Cards (14)

  • CULTURE AND CULTURAL INTERACTION - it is conditioned by _. churches have high and dignified interior. it should reflect that it is only the house of god.
  • EXPECTATIONS - conditioned by _. church can frustate or exceed expectations.
  • PURPOSE - express by spatial dynamics and centering focus
  • MEANING - express by symbolic resonance
  • FORM - express by aesthetic impact
  • CLASSIC SACRAMENTAL CHURCH - basilica plan, long structure with loner aisles on either side, and an apse at the end
  • CONGREGATION - west longitudinal nave
  • CLERGY - east end chancel
  • ALTAR - sanctuary
  • NARTHEX - enclosed porch or meeting area inside the western entrance
  • NAVE - central part of the church set apart for the laity
  • AISLE - long narrow space separated from the nave by rows of piers or columns
  • CHOIR / APSE - are designed to accomodate the liturgical singers
  • TRANSEPT - crosses at right angles to the nave and choir.