Period of exploration and adventure - saw the voyages of Columbus and Magellan
Produced the likes of Da Vinci (painter, architect, sculptor, engineer, scientist and a greatmusician)
Less influential during the Renaissance
Education during the Renaissance
No longer dominated by the Church
Education is a status symbol for the aristocrats and middle class
Musical horizons were expanded
educated person was expected then to be trained in music
Musicians during the Renaissance
Worked in churches, courts, and towns
Renaissance music texture
Bass register is used for the first time
Instrumental accompaniment is not needed
Golden age of "acapella"
Instruments were combined with voices in choral music
Duplication of sound to reinforce the sound
Part of the missing singer is done by the instrumentalist
Written music for the instruments is rarely found
polyphonic texture
choral piece has 4,5, or 6 voice parts
homophonic texture with succession of chords is also used in dance
Vocal forms in Renaissance music
made up of 5 sections: Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, AgnusDei
Franco Flemish master
Served in the Papal church and dukes' private chapels
Wrote masses, motets and secular vocal pieces
Ave Maria
Giovanni da Palestrina
Writer of church music
104 masses and other 405 sacred works
Pope Marcellus Mass (written for a capella choir of six voice parts)
Guillaume Dufay
Earliest composer of Burgundian school
Active at the court of Philip the Good and Duke of Burgundy
Secular music in the Renaissance
Vocal works
singers were supported by instruments
Growth of solo instrumental music
keyboard and lute
Aristocratic form of poetry and music
Polyphonic in texture
Expressive in moods
Written in vernacular language
Text was short poem of lyric,
longer than 12lines
Themes include love, politicalthemes, scenes and incidentsofcountrylife
Madrigal's musical characteristics
Rich chromatic harmony
Vocal virtuosity
Rich portrayal in music of emotional words
Prominent composers of the Renaissance period
Thomas Morley
Claudio Monteverdi
musical horizon were expanded
printedmusic, church choirs, composers, performers
motet - set to a sacred latin text other than the ordinary of the mass
6 voice parts - SATTBB
What does SATTBB means
soprano, alto, tenor1,tenor2,bass1, and bass2
Polyphony - simultaneous combination of sounds in music
who is the duke of bergundy
short composition, 3 - 4 notation
long composition, 6 - 10 compositions
homophonic - one sound
full name of giovanni - giovannipierluigidapalestrina
pope marcellus mass - written for PopemarcellusII
Thomas Morley - theorist, editor, and organist at St.Paul'sCathedral/ famous renaissance composer of secular music in ElizabethanEngland/ foremost memeber of englishmadrigalschool/ received bachelor degree in music in oxford
ClaudioMinteverdi - spent 12 years at the court of dukeofmantua/ appointed as the chairmaster of St.Mark's in venice in 1613/ originated 'StilleConciato"