Cards (33)

    1. Cholera
    Other Name: El tor
  • Causative Agent
    -Vibrio cholera
    -Vibrio coma
    -Ogawa and Inaba bacteria
  • Mode of Transmission
    -Fecal-oral route
    -5 Fs
    Incubation Period:
    -Few hours to 5 days; usually 3 days
  • Pathognomonic Sign
    -Rice watery stool
    Period Of Communicability:
    -7-14 days after onset, occasionally 2-3 months
  • Management and Treatment
    Diagnostic Test:
    -Stool culture
    -Oral rehydration solution (ORESOL)
    Drug-of-Choice: Tetracycline (Use straw; can cause staining of teeth)
  • Prevention
    -Proper handwashing
    -Proper food and water Sanitation
    -Immunization Of Chole-Vac
  • 2. Amoebic Dysentery
    Causative Agent
    -Entamoeba histolytica
    -Protozoan (slipper-shaped body)
  • Mode of Transmission
    -Fecal-oral route
  • Pathognomonic Sign
    Abdominal cramping
    Bloody mucoid stool
    Tenesmus - feeling of
    incomplete defecation
  • Management and Treatment
    -Metronidazole (Flagyl)
    * Avoid alcohol because of its Antabuse effect can cause vomiting
  • Prevention
    -Proper handwashing
    -Proper food and water Sanitation
  • 3. Shigellosis
    Other names:
    Bacillary dysentery
  • Causative Agent
    -Shigella bacillus
    -Sh-dysenterae most infectious
    -Sh-flesneri -common in the Philippines
  • Mode of Transmission
    -Fecal-oral route
    -5 Fs: Finger, Foods, Feces, Flies, Fomites
    Incubation Period:
    1 day, usually less than 4
  • Pathognomonic Sign
    Abdominal cramping
    Bloody mucoid stool
    Tenesmus - feeling of
    incomplete defecation
  • Management and Treatment
    Drug-of-Choice: Co-trimoxazole
    Diet: Low fiber, plenty of fluids, easily digestible foods
  • Prevention
    Proper handwashing
    Proper food and water Sanitation
    Fly Control
  • 4. Typhoid fever
    Causative Agent
    Salmonella typhosa (plural,
  • Mode of Transmission
    -Fecal-oral route
    -5 Fs: Finger, Foods, Feces, Flies, Fomites
    Incubation Period:
    1 day, usually less than 4 Days
  • Pathognomonic Sign
    -Rose Spots in the abdomen — due to bleeding caused by perforation of the Peyer's patches
    -Ladderlike fever
  • Management and Treatment
    -Typhi dot — confirmatory test; specimen is feces
    -Widal's test — agglutination of the patient's serum
    -Drug-of-Choice: Chloramphenicol
  • Prevention
    Proper handwashing
    Proper food and water Sanitation
  • 5. Hepatitis AOther names:
    -Infectious Hepatitis /Epidemic Hepatitis /Catarrhal Jaundice
  • Causative Agent
    -Hepatitis A Virus
  • Mode of Transmission
    -Fecal-oral route
    -5 Fs
    -Incubation Period:
    15-50 days, depending on dose, average 20-30
  • Pathognomonic Sign
  • Management and Treatment
    -Prophylaxis: "1M" injection of gamma globulin
    -Hepatitis A vaccine
    -Hepatitis immunoglobulin
    -Complete bed rest — to decrease metabolic needs of liver
    -Low-fat diet; increase carbohydrates (high in sugar)
  • Prevention
    -Proper handwashing
    -Proper food and water sanitation
    -Proper disposal of urine and feces
    -Separate and proper cleaning of articles used by patient
  • 6. Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP I Red tide poisoning)
    Causative Agent
  • Mode of Transmission
    -Ingestion of raw or inadequately cooked seafood usually bivalve mollusks during red tide
    Incubation Period:
    30 minutes to several hours after ingestion
  • Pathognomonic Sign
    -Numbness of face especially around the mouth
    -Vomiting and dizziness
    -Tingling sensation/paresthesia and eventful paralysis of hands
    -Floating sensation and weakness
    -Rapid pulse
    -Total muscle paralysis leading to respiratory arrest and death
  • Management and Treatment
    1.      No definite treatment
    2.      Induce vomiting
    3.      Drink pure coconut milk — weakens the toxic effect
    4.      Sodium bicarbonate solution (25 grams in 1/2 glass Of water)
    Advised only in the early stage of illness because paralysis can lead to aspiration
    NOTE: Persons who survived the first 12 hours after ingestion have a greater chance of survival.
  • Prevention
    1.      Avoid eating shellfish such as tahong, talaba, halaan, kabiya, abaniko during red tide season
    2.      Don 't mix vinegar to shellfish it will increase toxic effect 15 times greater