imc week 9

Cards (20)

  • Copy cataloging
    The process of adapting an existing catalog record prepared by another library or agency
  • Sources of copy cataloging
    • National/Union catalog
    • Shared-cataloging network/consortia
    • CIP
  • The basic cataloging process
    1. Acquisition
    2. Search for cataloging information
    3. Need to modify the record?
    4. Do original cataloging/ex-novo cataloging
    5. Modify records
    6. Save the record
  • In today's library environment, catalogers in local libraries make a heavy use of bibliographic records prepared elsewhere
  • National Bibliographic Control (NBC)

    Records done by other countries
  • Examples of NBC records
    • LCC
    • British National Bibliographies
    • Malaysia National Bibliographies (KIK)
  • Shared-cataloging network
    An association of libraries with the main purpose of sharing resources including cataloging information
  • CIP
    Cataloging-In-Publication data prepared by National Bibliographic Agency
  • The task in copy cataloging
    1. Searching
    2. Downloading
    3. Editing
    4. Local record creation
    5. Authority control
    6. Services to facilitate inter-library loan
  • National Bibliographies/Union Catalog are already discussed in Chapter 2 - Bibliographic Control
  • Bibliographic utilities
    Computer service organizations that maintain large databases of cataloging records and offer cataloging support services and related products to libraries
  • Functions of bibliographic utilities
    • Serve member libraries with high-quality cataloguing information and related products or services for resource sharing and cooperation
    • Provide concurrent access to the bibliographic databases on time-sharing basis, and allow member libraries contribute records of their own collection to the union catalogues
    • Maintain the standard of bibliographic record format, adopted by the national or international standardization bodies
  • OCLC
    The largest and best-known bibliographic utility in the world
  • OCLC
    • Nonprofit, membership-based organization
    • Headquartered in Dublin, Ohio, USA
    • Initially founded as 'Ohio College Library Center' in 1967
    • Expanded to non-academic libraries in Ohio in 1972 and then to the national level of United States in 1973
    • Became an international organization in early 1980s and changed its name to 'Online Computer Library Center, Inc.' in 1981
    • Founded by Frederick G. Kilgour, who was President and Chief Executive Officer of OCLC from 1967 to 1980
  • OCLC's objectives
    To establish, maintain and operate a computerized library network accessible worldwide<|>To promote the evolution of library use, of libraries themselves and of librarianship<|>To provide processes and products for the benefit of library users and libraries<|>To increase availability of library resources to individual library patrons<|>To reduce the rate-of-rise of library per-unit costs<|>To provide ease access to and use of the ever-expanding body of worldwide scientific, literary and educational knowledge and information
  • Difference between national libraries and bibliographic utilities
    National libraries operate within the nation they serve and maintain national bibliographic database created by the library itself, fully supported by the government<|>Bibliographic utilities have no national boundaries, maintain union bibliographic database contributed by member libraries, and run independently supported by members
  • CIP
    Cataloging in Publication record prepared by the National Bibliographic Agency for a book that has not yet been published
  • CIP's contribution
    Act as a bridge to the library book buying market for publishers<|>Alerting service enabling selectors to identify books of interest to the user community for libraries
  • Tutorial 8 - Copy cataloging
    1. Do research on Union Catalog
    2. Discuss in a small group
    3. Relate the Union Catalog with National Bibliographic Agency
    4. Include Copy Cataloging in the discussion
  • The objectives of the tutorial are to understand the task of Union Catalog, comprehend the relationship with NBA, and connect with copy cataloging