imc week 11

Cards (21)

  • Bibliographic Control
    Theory about all activities involved in creating, organizing, managing and maintaining the file of bibliographic records representing the items held in a library, archival collection, or the sources listed in index or database
  • Activities of bibliographic control
    • Standardization of bibliographic description and subject access by means of uniform catalog code, classification systems, name authorities, and preferred headings
    • Creation and maintenance of catalogs, union lists and finding aids
    • Provision of physical access to the items in the collection
  • Purpose of Bibliographic Control
    To list information sources in a systematic manner to enable us to become aware of what information is available and where it can be located
  • Functions of Bibliographic Control
    • Provides access to materials
    • Encouraging research and development
    • Recording and expanding knowledge
    • As a guide in searching information
    • Vital elements in effective reference & information services
    • Encourage cooperation, exchange and sharing of information between institutions & nations
    • Avoid duplication in R&D
  • Why we need to practice Bibliographic Control: Information explosion and information overload
  • Problems faced in Bibliographic Control
    • Language barriers
    • Government - Political Stability & Economic problem
    • Geographical problem
    • High population issues
    • Changes of physical and human environments
    • Environmental problems - Global warming acid rains
    • Lack of Technical Skilled Staff (Experts)
  • Levels of Bibliographic Control
    • Universal
    • National
    • Organizational
  • Universal Bibliographic Control (UBC)

    An idea (conceptual) to be established to create a worldwide system aimed to control and exchange bibliographic information
  • Universal Bibliographic Control (UBC)

    • Form a system that are acknowledged and accepted by all countries
    • Strengthen the responsibilities of National Bibliographic Agency
  • Requirements for UBC at international level

    • Develop and decide the international standard in creating a bibliographic records
    • The bibliographic records must follow the international standard as in its content and its physical form
  • Requirements for UBC at national level

    • Create the bibliographic record for every new publication issued in the country
    • Issue those records as soon as possible
    • Exchange those records with other country
    • Produce a retrospective national bibliography
  • National Bibliographic Control (NBC)

    The idea is to do the process involves collecting and cataloging all materials in the country that have national value
  • Objectives of NBC
    • To develop and strengthen NBC, it emphasize on planning of national library, documentation and archive infrastructure
    • To contribute to the nation's own library and information network
    • To build up the national library and archival collections
    • To be responsible within the nation for finding and recording of material for the benefit of the national library, information and archive system
  • In Malaysia, the objectives of NBC are embedded in "Akta Penubuhan Perpustakaan Negara 1972Akta 80"
  • Main functions of National Bibliographic Agency (NBA)
    • As center for National Depository and National Publication
    • Operate under the law/regulations/act – Legal Deposit Act
    • Agency for National Cataloging Center
    • Develop and maintain National Bibliography
    • Develop and maintain National Union Catalog
    • Prepare rules and regulations for cataloging
    • Experts in analyzing and indexing
    • In-charge for service to publisher. ~ Assigning ISBN, ISSN and CIP
    • Act as Center for Exchange (receive and delivery) the bibliographic records in any form
    • As National Serial Center
    • Registrations for serial publication in International Serial Data System (ISDS)
    • Maintain registry for serial publications
  • In Malaysia, the National Library of Malaysia (Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia – PNM) is appointed as the National Bibliographic Agency
  • Main functions of NBA in Malaysia
    • Act as Center for National Depository and National Publication
    • National Cataloging Center
    • National Serial Center
  • The Deposit of Library Material Act 1986 guides the responsibilities of publishers in Malaysia to deposit locally published materials to the National Library of Malaysia as the National Depository Center
  • Publishers in Malaysia that fail to deliver any library materials to the National Depository Center shall be guilty of an offence and shall be convicted with a fine not exceeding RM3,000
  • Main responsibilities of the National Bibliography Center in Malaysia
    • To develop and maintain National Bibliography Malaysia
    • Responsible for preparation of bibliographic record for every title published in Malaysia
    • Responsible to facilitate information searching and retrieval
    • Maintaining National Union Catalog – KIK (Katalog Induk Kebangsaan)
    • Responsible for the maintenance of national bibliographic network and database and documentation services
    • Center for ISBN, ISSN, CIP – A unit offers services to publisher in Malaysia
    • Train staff to be experts in Cataloging, Index, and Analyzing Subject Content
  • Services offered by the National Center for ISBN-ISSN-CIP in Malaysia

    • ISBN (International Standard Book Number)
    • ISSN (International Standard Serial Number)
    • CIP (Cataloging in Print)