Cards (27)

  • What is meant by allostasis?
    Processes that anticipate future needs.
  • Well over half of the human body’s energy is devoted to which of the following?
    Basal metabolism
  • How do ectothermic animals regulate their body temperature, if at all?
    They move to a location with a more favorable temperature.
  • Which of the following is an ectothermic animal?
  • What is the primary advantage of maintaining a constant high body temperature?
    It keeps the muscles ready for rapid, prolonged activity even in cold weather.
  • If we inserted a probe into your POA/AH and heated it, what would happen?
    You would sweat.
  • When you have an infection, what causes the fever?
    The immune system delivers prostaglandins and histamine to the hypothalamus.
  • Which of the following is the most correct description of a fever?
    Fever is one way in which the body fights against bacteria.
  • Which of these happens after you eat something salty?
    Water flows out of the cells.
  • What would happen as a result of adding salt to the body’s extracellular fluids?
    Increased osmotic thirst
  • What does vasopressin do?
    It decreases urination and increases thirst.
  • Why do you stop drinking before water reaches the cells that need it?
    Drinking inhibits neurons responsible for thirst.
  • What is the most effective way to satisfy hypovolemic thirst?
    Drink water containing some salt or other solutes.
  • If someone lacks the gene for digesting lactose, which of these outcomes is likely?
    Discomfort after drinking milk
  • Which of the following is true?
    A.High intake of sugar leads to hyperactive behavior.
    B.Turkey contains large amounts of chemicals that lead to sleepiness.
    C.Artificial sweeteners help to satisfy a craving for sweet tastes.
    D.Fish oils are beneficial for brain functioning.
    D.Fish oils are beneficial for brain functioning.
  • Which part of the body secretes CCK?
    The duodenum
  • When food distends the duodenum, the duodenum releases the hormone CCK. By what peripheral mechanism (outside the brain) does it increase satiety?
    CK tightens the sphincter muscle between the stomach and the duodenum.
  • Which of these does insulin do?
    It helps glucose enter cells.
  • Which part of the body secretes leptin?
    The fat cells
  • Which part of the brain is generally considered the master area for control of appetite?
    The arcuate nucleus
  • Which part of the body secretes ghrelin?
    The stomach
  • How do taste and ghrelin promote eating and arousal?
    They increase inhibition from the arcuate nucleus to the paraventricular nucleus, an area that inhibits the lateral hypothalamus.
  • If researchers could find a safe drug that stimulates melanocortin receptors, what would be the probable benefit?
    Helping people lose weight
  • Cell bodies in the lateral hypothalamus are most important for which of the following?
  • How has the prevalence of obesity changed since the availability of high-fructose corn syrup and artificially sweetened diet beverages?
    The prevalence of obesity has increased after the availability of both of these.
  • Bulimia nervosa has been compared to which of the following?
    Drug addiction
  • Temperature regulation is a likely explanation for which aspect of anorexia?
    Increased exercise