Biological and Physiological Psychology
BioPhy: Sample Questions from the Book
End of Module 10 Quizzes
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What does the SRY gene do?
It causes a mammalian embryo to develop into a male.
Why is it impossible to have both a penis and a clitoris?
Either one develops from the same embryonic structure.
What is the main difference between organizing effects and activating effects of hormones?
Organizing effects are long-lasting, whereas activating effects are temporary.
What causes an embryo to develop female external genitals?
A low level of testosterone, regardless of estradiol.
How does sexual differentiation of the brain differ between rodents and primates?
In rodents, testosterone must be aromatized to estradiol before it affects developing neurons.
Which of these is true about sex differences in brain anatomy?
The mechanisms of sexual differentiation vary from one area to another.
Prenatal exposure to higher than average levels of testosterone produces what effect, if any, on girls?
It leads to higher than average interest in boys’ toys and activities.
When an antidepressant drug increases serotonin levels, which inhibits dopamine release, what happens to sexual behavior?
Decreased sexual arousal
Compared to other men, what are the testosterone levels of married men?
Lower than average
What does the combination pill for birth control contain?
Estradiol and progesterone
Female sex drive depends on which hormone or hormones?
Vasopressin increases male mammals’ probability of which behavior?
Care for young
What is meant by the term “sexual selection”?
Evolution favors characteristics that make an individual more appealing to the opposite sex.
Evolutionary psychologists try to explain which of the following phenomena?
On average, men are more interested in multiple sex partners than women are.
Congenital adrenal hypertrophy results from a genetic disability to produce normal amounts of which hormone?
A girl’s interest in boys’ toys correlates positively with which of the following?
Exposure to testosterone before birth
What causes testicular feminization, in which a genetic male looks female?
Lack of receptors for testosterone
When genetic males appeared to be female at birth, but developed a male anatomy at puberty, what happened to their gender identity?
They switched to a male identity.
The conclusion that sexual orientation is partly heritable depends mainly on what evidence?
Comparisons of monozygotic and dizygotic twins
Which of the following would increase the probability that a boy will develop a homosexual orientation?
Having a biological older brother, even if he did not live in the same house.
In what way was INAH-3 distinctive for most of the homosexual men, in comparison to heterosexual men, in LeVay’s study and the follow-up research?
This nucleus had neurons with smaller than average volume.