The development and refinement of magnifying lenses and light microscopes made observation and description of microscopic organisms and living cells possible
Hans andZachariasJanssen invented the first compound microscope
Compound microscope
Two lenses put together in a tube
Robert Hooke discovered and came up with the name "cells" while looking through a microscope at a piece of cork
Theodore Schwann viewed animal tissues under a microscope and observed that animal tissues are made of cells
Cell Theory (Schwann)
All organisms are composed of one or more cells
The cell is the structural unit of life
Rudolph Virchow
developed the third tenet of the cell theory: "All cells come from pre-existing cells"
Three main principles of Cell Theory
All living organisms are made up of cells
Cells are the most basic unit of life
All cells arise from pre-existing cells
Compound light microscope
Uses glass lenses like the early microscopes Robert Hooke used
Modern compound light microscope
Uses electricity, a source of light, and can magnify images up to 1000x without blurring
Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
Can magnify specimens up to 500,000x
Anton van Leeuwenhoek
1683 observed some of the first living cells under a simple microscope and named them "animalcules"
Robert Brown discovered the nucleus in the plant cells of an orchid
MatthiasJakobSchleiden a German botanist, concluded that all plant tissues are composed of cells