The word biology is derived from the Greek words: bios, meaning life, and logos, meaning study
Spontaneous generation
The hypothetical process by which living organisms develop from nonliving matter
For much of history, people believed that animals could come from non-living sources
Beliefs about spontaneous generation
Frogs developed from falling drops of rain
Mice arose from sweaty underwear
Flies arose from decaying meat
Also known as spontaneous generation
People believed what they were told by "authorities" such as the Church, or the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle
Many people believed this idea since they simply accepted what they were told, specifically by the authorities
A Greek philosopher who first proposed that life could arise from non-living matter if the material contained "pneuma" or vital heat
Jan Baptista van Helmont
A Flemish scientist that put forth the idea that mice could appear out from wheat kernels and rags left out in an open container for 3 weeks
1. Put a soiled shirt and grains of wheat in a jar and let them ferment
2. Mice form after 21 days
Francisco Redi
Italian physician & poet who attempted to disprove the theory of spontaneous generation
Redi's experiment
1. Involved two jars and decaying meat: one with a wax seal and the other left in the open
2. Wax sealed vessels failed to produce maggots whereas decaying meat left in the open were full of them
Redi concluded "The flesh of dead animals cannot engender worms unless the eggs of the living being deposited therein."
Redi's critics said
You have too many variables
There is a lack of access and a lack of air
We ALL know that everything needs air
Of course no flies grew!
You haven't proven anything
1. He covered the jars with fine mesh
2. Flies laid eggs on the mesh and no maggots were able to reach the meat
Redi concluded "All living beings come from seeds of the plants or animals themselves."
John Needham
English Clergyman who wondered whether the idea of spontaneous generation applied to microbes
Needham's experiment
1. Prepared various broths and showed that they contained microbes
2. Boiled them and showed that there were no longer any microbes
3. Ensured the stoppers were loose, so that air would not be excluded
4. After a few days, microbes had reappeared
Needham concluded that microbes spontaneously generated from the non-living broth
Needham's error was that microbes could have come from the air
Lazzaro Spallanzani
Italian Naturalist who rejected Needham's conclusions
Spallanzani's experiment
1. Repeated Needham's experiment but boiled the broth a little longer and sealed it shut (hermetically sealed – absolutely airtight)
2. No growth of microbes was seen
Needham criticized Spallanzani's experiment
You boiled it TOO LONG
You spoiled the vegetative power by boiling
You killed the ability of the broth to give life
Life can still come from broth - but the broth must not be "damaged" by boiling
Spallanzani's 2nd experiment
1. Did time boilings and left some jars, as Needham had, with leaky seals to ensure "active principle" was not damaged
2. Boiling did not damage the broth's ability to support life. Growth depended on the seal only
Louis Pasteur
French chemist who entered a contest sponsored by French Academy of Sciences to prove or disprove Spontaneous generation
Pasteur's experiment
1. Used swan-necked flasks, which allowed the entry of air but trapped microbes along its neck
2. Showed no growth after many days
3. Pasteur showed that the active principle was not damaged. At any later time, he could tip the flask, this allowed nutrient broth to contact the dust and carry microbes into the broth
Cell theory
The development and refinement of magnifying lenses and light microscopes made observation and description of microscopic organisms and living cells possible
Hans and ZachariasJanssen
Invented the firstcompoundmicroscope when they put two of their lenses together in a tube
Robert Hooke
Discovered and came up with the name "cells" while looking through a microscope at a piece of cork
Anton van Leeuwenhoek
Observed some of the first living cells under a simple microscope and named these small organisms "animalcules"
Robert Brown
Discovered the nucleus in the plant cells of an orchid
A German botanist who concluded that allplanttissuesarecomposedofcells
Theodore Schwann
Viewed animal tissues under a microscope and observed that animal tissues are made of cells. Proposed the two tenets of the cell theory: 1) All organisms are composed of one or more cells, 2) The cell is the structural unit of life
Rudolph Virchow
Collaborated with the other two scientists and developed cell theory. He made the third tenet of the cell theory: "All cells come from pre-existing cells."
Three main principles of cell theory
All living organisms are made up of cells
Cells arethemost basic unit of life
All cells arise from pre-existing cells
Compound light microscopes
Use glass lenses like the early microscopes Robert Hooke used
Modern compound light microscope
Uses electricity, a sourceoflight, and can magnifyimagesupto1000x without blurring
Transmission electron microscope (TEM) and the scanning electron microscope (SEM)
Can magnify specimens up to 500,000x
Basic properties of cells
Highly complex and organized
Possess a genetic program and the means to use it
Capable of producing more of themselves
Acquire and utilize energy
Carry out a variety of chemical reactions
Engage in mechanical activities
Able to respond to stimuli
Capable of self-regulation (Apoptosis is the death of cells)