The first institutions created for the purpose of housing people with psychological disorders, but the focus was ostracizing them from society rather than treating their disorders
Led reform efforts for mental health care in the United States, investigating how those who are mentally ill and poor were cared for and discovering an underfunded and unregulated system that perpetuated abuse
Her efforts led to the creation of the first mental asylums in the United States
Expanded upon Freud's psychoanalytical perspective, remains centered on the role of people's internal drives and forces, but treatment is less intensive than Freud's original model
A common diagnosis of individuals in mental hospitals, often evidenced by symptoms like hallucinations and delusions, indicating a loss of contact with reality
Form of psychotherapy that focuses on how a person's thoughts lead to feelings of distress<|>Helps clients change dysfunctional thoughts to relieve distress
Also known as client-centered therapy<|>Therapeutic approach in which the therapist does not give advice or provide interpretations but helps the person to identify conflicts and understand feelings