Terminal portion: NO circular muscle, Inner longitudinal, Outer longitudinal
Tunica adventitia: loose collagenous t.
Urinary bladder
Mucosa: lined by Transitional epithelium
Lamina propia: highly vascularized
Muscularis: 3 layers: Detrusor muscle
Tunica adventitia: fibroelastic connective tissue
Peritoneum – covers the upper part of the urinary bladder
The ureter pass through the wall of the bladder obliquely forming a sphincter of the bladder
Male urethra
Prostatic urethra: 3-4cm long, extends through the prostate gland, Lined by urothelium, Opening of the prostate utricle, Openings of the ejaculatory ducts
Membranous urethra: Short segment 1-1.5cm, Lined by Stratified Columnar or Pseudostratified epithelium
Spongy urethra: Longest part 15cm, Traversing the whole length of the corpus spongiosum, Lined by Pseudostratified or Stratified Columnar epithelium, Terminal portion: Fossa Navicularis lined Simple Squamous non-cornified epithelium
Urethra mucosa
Recesses or deep irregular out-pocketings into the tunica propia which are called Lacunae of Morgagni
Lamina propia: loose collagenous tissue with abundant elastic fibers and smooth muscle, Few diffuse lymphocytes, Several small mucus secreting glands called