Cards (10)

  • Define Who
    Individuals at the center for your change plan
  • Define What and Why
    Set the broad direction, including the rationale and its importance
  • Understand the Barriers, Risks, and Issues
    Forces driving the change
  • Identify all the Levers, Influences, Power, and Resources at your Disposa
    Money, budgetPeople
  • Plant the Campaign: What and How
    Do you aim high or low, to begin with?
  • Plan the How:

    Think things through as much as possible
  • Launch phase:
    Be flexible, adapt, stay cool, persist, and do not give up
  • Define clear measures and put measurement systems in place to track progress
    What gets measured gets done
  • Sustain, institutionalized, and embed changes
    Making it stick
  • Change is a Journey
    so End, Review and Start Again