Cards (8)

  • Content Analysis
    A popular technique for assessing qualitative data, especially interview data, which attempts to summarize comments into meaningful categories
  • Responses
    are read to determine if answers are recurring
  • Themes
    are generated that capture recurring comments
  • Categories
    with the most responses represent those themes that are most often mentioned.
  • Force-Field Analysis
    Derived from Kurt Lewin’s three-step model of change. This method organizes information pertaining to organizational change into two major categories:
  • Stream Analysis
    This method is based on pictorially representing organizational problems on a chart
  • Stream Diagnostic Chart
    is divided into columns (streams), one for each organizational dimension considered key by the user of the chart
  • Quantitative Tools
    Statistical processes, Means, standard deviations, and frequency distributions, scattergrams, and correlation coefficients, and difference tests