Privity Evaluation

Cards (6)

  • P: upholding privity protects freedom of contract
    KT: privacy, freedom to add third party rights
    • Tweddle v Atkinson, Contracts (RTP) Act 1999
    CA: uncertainty but fair
    • Jackson v HH, Nissin Shipping
    C: freedom of contract less important than justice
  • P: many exceptions to avoid injustice
    KT: flexibility
    • Agents, Jackson v HH, Shanklin Pier
    CA: uncertainty
    • more common law
    C: uncertain but fair
  • P: common law rules are very narrow
    KT: covenants specific to land, collateral contracts
    • Tulk v Moxhay, Shanklin Pier
    CA: Act is much broader
    • Contracts (RTP) Act 1999
    C: certain but more third party power
  • P: provides certainty to contracts
    KT: must provide consideration to sue
    • Tweddle v Atkinson
    CA: foundational principle would be decided differently today
    • Tweddle v Atkinson, s1(1)(b)
    C: certainty in common law which isn’t needed
  • P: chains of litigation are not a practical worry
    KT: cases resolves using the general rule or statute
    • Tweddle v Atkinson, Contracts (RTP) Act 1999
    CA: could clog up legal system
    • Jackson v HH
    C: not usually a concern but uncertain
  • P: could deny freedom of contract
    KT: unfairness, confusing for lay people
    • Tweddle v Atkinson
    CA: issue has been fixed by statute
    • s1(1)(a)
    C: unfairness in the past but now fair