
Cards (30)

  • Which of the following structures is located in the submandibular triangle?
    Hypoglossal nerve
  • What structure is located at the carotid bifurcation?
    carotid body
  • Which of the following arteries is in the posterior triangle of the neck?
    transverse cervical artery
  • If you could put Erb's point into one triangle, which one would it be? (You may need to look this one up or listen to the neck lecture also.)
    posterior triangle
  • This muscle is considered the posterior boundary of the posterior triangle of the neck (lateral cervical region).
  • This branch of the external carotid artery supplies muscles of the larynx.
    superior thyroid a.
  • The ansa cervicalis supplies innervation to the infrahyoid muscles
  • This infrahyoid muscle is considered more superficial in its anatomical location.
  • Surgery to the thyroid gland presents a risk of damaging the ________. The result is a weakened voice (hoarseness) or complete loss of voice (aphonia).
    recurrent nerve
  • These deep structures of the telencephalon regulate willed (intentional) movements.
    Basal ganglia (deep cerebral nuclei)
  • This artery provides blood supply to the posterior region of the scalp.
    occipital a.
  • The laryngeal prominence is a landmark of the ______.
    thyroid cartilage
  • Movement at the ______________ joint is most involved in abduction and adduction of the vocal folds.
    Cricoarytenoid joint
  • This brain region is involved in regulating the autonomic nervous system.
  • Which of the styloid muscles blends with the pharyngeal constrictors (inserts on the pharyngeal constrictors)?
  • The foramen spinosum is an entry point for the ____.
    middle meningeal a.
  • pterygopalantine fossa
    It lies deep in the skull and is an area where there is communication between the orbital cavity (above), the nasal cavity, and the palate (below)
  • What is the action of the pharyngeal constrictor muscles?
    Contribution to swallowing reflexes including peristalsis
  • What is the name of the ring of lymphatic tissue located in the pharynx?
    Waldeyer's ring
  • These two structures are found within the vocal folds.
     Vocalis muscle and vocal ligament
  • When performing an emergency airway placement the tube should be placed through this structure of the larynx.
    Cricothyroid ligament
  • The paranasal sinuses of the skull are normally _____ spaces that communicate with the _____ cavity
    air-filled; nasal
  • The external auditory meatus is located in this bone.
  • Bones of the skull articulate via sutures to form one structure, the cranium. What type of articulations are between these bones?
    Fibrous synchondrosis
  • What is the calvaria?
    skull cap
  • Pons is part of the ______.
  • What does the central sulcus separate?
    frontal and parietal lobes
  • Wernicke's area is part of the ________.
    temporal lobe
  • What is the relationship between the thalamus and the corpus callosum?
    The thalamus is inferior to the corpus callosum
  • Which of the following structures are part of the basal ganglia (basal nuclei)?
    Globus pallidus