Head and Neck

Subdecks (3)

Cards (359)

  • sternocleidomastoid contributes to ____ through elevation of the _____
  • congenital torticollis (wryneck)

    unilateral shortening of SCM in development
    3rd most common muscular abnormality in infants
    treated with PT and sometimes surgery
  • superficial neck muscles
  • deep muscles of the neck
    longus capitis/ colli
    anterior/ middle/ posterior scalene
    rectus capitis lateralis
    rectus capitis anterior
  • scalene muscles stabilize the head and individually do lateral flexion but also

    elevate upper ribs (contribute to respiration)
  • suprahyoid muscles (4)
    under jaw
    muscles elevate the hyoid bone/depress the tongue
  • infrahyoid muscles (4)

    STRAP muscles
    muscles depress the hyoid bone
    innervated by ansa cervicalis (cervical plexus)
    BS from superior thyroid and lingual a.
  • all suprahyoid bones insert on the
    hyoid bone
  • all infrahyoid muscles insert on the
    hyoid bone or thyroid cartilage
  • ansa cervicalis makes a loop on top of

    internal jugular v.
  • external vs internal carotid arteries supply...
    external: face
    internal: has no branches and goes to the brain
  • branches of the external carotid artery
    Some- superior thyroid
    Anatomists- ascending pharyngeal
    Like- lingual
    Freaking- facial
    Out- Occipital
    Poor- posterior auricular
    Medical- maxillary
    Students- superficial temporal
  • terminal branches of the external carotid artery
    maxillary and superficial temporal arteries
  • occipital artery runs near what m.?
    posterior digastric m.
  • thyroid gland
    largest endocrine gland
    deep to sternohyoid and sternothyroid muscles
    pyramidal lobe- 50% (or less) of people
    between thyroid cartilage and trachea
  • inferior thyroid artery branches from
    thyrocervical trunk
  • innervation of the thyroid gland
    sympathetic: superior, middle and inferior cervical ganglia
    parasympathetic: laryngeal branches form CN X (vagus n.) to inferior plexus
  • what does the L and R recurrent layngeal n. branch from and what do each loop under?
    branch from vagus n.
    L: under aortic arch
    R: under brachiocephalic trunk
  • cervical plexus is made up of ventral rami from?

  • erb's point
    where cervical plexus n. pierce fascia to get to surface
  • Lesser occipital dermatome C2
    behind ear and down to supraclavicular area
  • great auricular n. dermatome C2-3
    SCM area
  • Transverse cervical n. C2,3
    front of neck
  • supraclavicular n. dermatome C3,4
    supraclavicular space
  • motor branches of the cervical plexus
    Ansa cervicalis C1, 2, 3
    Phrenic n. C3-5
  • anterior triangle of the neck
    between midline and sternocleidomastoid
  • posterior triangle of the neck
    between sternocleidomastoid and trapezius
  • nasopharynx is inferior to what bone

    sphenoid bone
  • what cervical level separates the pharynx and esophagus
    C6 or cricoid cartilage
  • ant/post relationship between larynx and pharynx
    larynx is anterior to the pharynx
  • recurrent laryngeal n. is anterior to what recess
    piriform recess
  • all pharynx muscles originate from what process
    styloid process of the temporal bone
  • stylohyoid is innervated by
    CN VII (facial)
    contributes to elevating the hyoid bone during swallowing and phonation
  • styloglossus is innervated by
    CN XII (hypoglossal)
    elevates and retracts the tongue
  • stylopharyngeus is innervated by
    CN IX (glossopharyngeal)
    elevates the pharynx during swallowing
  • superior pharyngeal constrictor attaches to what bone
    sphenoid bone
  • middle pharyngeal constrictor attaches to what bone
    great horn of the hyoid bone
  • Kilian's triangle
    transition from pharynx to esophagus
  • what CN innervated the pharynx
    CN X (vagus)
  • mylohyoid and digastric muscles contribution to swallowing
    elevate the hyoid bone via CN V (trigeminal) division 3