Exam 4 review

Cards (132)

  • orbital cavity contents
    extraocular m.
    globe (eyeball) and orbital fascia
    5 cranial n. (II-VII)
    ophthalmic vessels
    periorbital fat
  • levator palpabrae superioris
    Opens the eye, lifts the upper eyelid; attached to superior tarsus CN III innervation
  • superior tarsal m. with tarsal glands
    Lubricate the edges of the eyelids to prevent sticking
  • orbicularis oculi, palpebral part
    Closes the eye, acts like a sphincter CN VII innervation
  • what causes the eyelids to stay open
    the static tone of the superior tarsal muscle combined with the action of levator palpebrae superioris. This is in balance with the opposing tone of the orbicularis oculi muscle.
  • anterior and posterior chamber of the eye contain

    aqueous humor
  • vitreous body contains
    vitreous humor
  • pupillary light reflex
    afferent limb: CN II (to brain)
    Efferent limb: CN III (motor)
  • arterial supply of the globe
    ophthalmic a. (branch of internal carotid); supplies most of the orbit
  • what nerves are found in the orbital cavity?
    CN II, III, IV, V, VI, VII
  • semicircular canal of the ear detects what type of movement of the head?
    rotational movement by sensing the motion of endolymph
  • by sensing the motion of endolymph
    otolith organs (utricle and saccule) by calcium carbonate crystals called otoliths
  • scalene m. are innervated by
    branches of C3-C8
  • scalene m. function
    together: stabilize the head and lift upper ribs
    individually: lateral flexion of the neck
  • O/I of scalenes
    Anterior – T.P of C3-C6 to first rib
    Middle – T.P. of C1-C7 to first rib
    Posterior – T.P. of C5-C7 to second rib
  • scalene m. not only aid in controlling the neck but also....
  • longus capitis/colli and rectus capitis anterior/lateralis function
    flexion of the head and cervical spine
    Inn: C1-C6 ventral rami
    BS: vertebral a., inferior thyroid a., ascending cervical a.
  • suprahyoid function
    elevate the hyoid bone/ depress the tongue
  • infrahyoid m. functions
    depress the hyoid bone
    innervated by: ansa cervicalis
    BS: superior thyroid and lingual
  • ansa cervicalis is a branch off of what cranial n.
    it loops over: internal jugular v.
  • branches of the external carotid artery
    Some: superior thyroid a.
    Anatomists: ascending pharyngeal a.
    Like: lingual a.
    Freaking: facial a.
    Out: occipital a.
    Poor: posterior auricular a.
    Medical: maxillary a. (terminal branch)
    Students: superficial temporal a. (terminal branch)
  • inferior thyroid a. is a branch off of
    thyrocervical trunk; along with transverse cervical and suprascapular a.
    also known as: ascending cervical a.
  • cervical plexus (ansa cervicalis) is ventral rami of SN...
  • cervical plexus n.

    lesser occipital n. (sensory)
    great auricular n. (sensory)
    transverse cervical n. (sensory)
    supraclavicular n. (sensory)
    phrenic n. (motor)
  • motor branches of the cervical plexus
    ansa cervicalis- C1, C2, C3
    phrenic n.- C3-C5
  • pharyngeal constrictors
    Superior: medial pterygoid plate-> pharyngeal tubercle
    Middle: hyoid bone-> pharyngeal raphe
    Inferior: cricoid and thyroid cartilage -> pharyngeal raphe
  • what n. innervates the pharynx
    CN X
  • mylohyoid and digastric action and innervation

    elevate the hyoid bone
    CN V division 3
  • thyrohyoid action and innervation
    elevates the larynx
    XII (hypoglossal)
  • what nerves are involved in the reflex closure of airway during swallowing
    CN V division 3 (mandibular)
  • waldeyer's ring
    lymphatic tissue of the pharynx
  • pharyngeal tonsil (adenoids)
    unpaired, located on roof of pharynx
    base of sphenoid/ roof of pharynx
  • palantine tonsils

    in oral cavity
  • lingual tonsil

    collection of lymphatic tissue on the sides and base of tongue
  • tubal tonsils
    paired, extensions of the pharyngeal tonsils, located around eustachian tube
    sides of pharynx
  • fold
    muscle wrapped in mucus membrane
  • torus tubarius
    wraps eustachian tube
  • ligaments of the trachea/ thyroid cartilage are
    cricotracheal ligament
    cricothyroid ligament
    thyrohyoid membrane
    vocal ligament
    vestibular ligament (superior to vocal)
  • cricoarytenoid joint
    abducts and adducts the vocal folds
  • posterior cricoarytenoid m.
    abducts vocal folds