A: elevate head, elevate tongue during swallowing or speaking
O: mental spine of mandible
I: hyoid bone
Inn: C1 via hypoglossal n.
BS: sublingual branch of lingual artery
A: elevate hyoid, shortens floor of mouth
O: mandible; mastoid notch of temporal bone
I: tendon to hyoid bone
Inn: CN V branch of inferior alveolar n.; CN VII, digastric branch
BS: branch of facial artery; branch of occipital artery
A: depress mandible, elevates and stabilizes hyoid bone during swallowing
O: styloid process of temporal bone
I: hyoid bone
Inn: CN VII, stylohyoid branch
BS: branches of facial, occipital and posterior auricular arteries
A: elevates hyoid bone, retracts hyoid bone
O: sternum and medial side of clavicle
I: hyoid bone
inn: C1-3 spinal n., branch of ansa cervicalis
BS: superior and inferior thyroid arteries
A: depress, retract and stabilize hyoid
O: superior border of scapula
I: hyoid bone
Inn: C1-3 spinal nerves, branch of ansa cervicalis
BS: superior and inferior thyroid arteries
A: depress, retract and stabilize hyoid
O: sternum
I: thyroid cartilage
Inn: C2-3 SN, branch of ansa cervicalis
BS: superior and inferior thyroid arteries
A: depress hyoid and larynx
O: thyroid cartilage
I: hyoid bone
inn: C1 via hypoglossal n.
BS: superior and inferior thyroid arteries
A: depress hyoid bone and elevate larynx
O: sternum and clavicle
I: mastoid process of skull; superior nuchal line
Inn: accessory n.
BS: branches of superior thyroid artery and occipital artery
A: flexion of cervical spine, inferior portion; extension of C spine, superior portion; elevation of clavicle, all together; lateral flexion of C spine and rotation in opp direction