Cards (22)

  • It is used in determining the relative locations of points on the earths surface by measuring horizontal distances , differences in elevations and directions
    Topographic survey
  • It shows the birds eye view of the landscape
    Topographic maps
  • It shows the side view of the same landscape
    Topographic profiles
  • Are an older mode of representing relief. They show orientation of slope, and by their thickness and overall densitu they provide a general sense of steepness.
  • The elevations of important features and critical points such as road junctions, peaks, summit, sags, etc.
    Spot height
  • Line resembling contours, but representing no actual elevations
    Form lines
  • these are lines draw in on a map connecting points of equal elevation, meaning if you physically followed a contour line, elevation would remain constant.
    Contour lines
  • Involves the use of shadows to emphasize the topography of a terrain
  • technique for creating relief maps, showing the topographic shape of hills and mountains
    Hill shading
  • What is consider a large map scale in topographic mapping
    1 inch=100ft
  • The small map scale in topographic mapping
    1 inch=1000ft
  • Contour interval of .5 or 1
    Large scale flat
  • Contour interval of 1 or 2
    Large scale rolling
  • Contour interval of 2 or 5
    Large scale hilly
  • Contour interval of 10 or 20
    Small scale rolling
  • Contour interval of 20 or 50
    Small scale hilly
  • dome shaped hill
  • steep hill and ravine
  • Gentle hill and ravine
  • A method of showing relief on maps and charts by coloring different levels in different shades

    Layer tinting
  • sometimes also denoted as global topography model or composite model
    relief or terrain model
  • Used to emphasize the location of low and high ground. 

    Ridge and stream lining