Law has many fields of law that serve different purpose, procedures and terminilogy used.
Substantive law vs procedural law
substantive law:/Luật thực chất/ define the rights, duties of individuals & collective bodies/cá nhân và tập thể/. It's concerned with the substance of the law./bản chất của luật/
procedural law: /Luật tố tụng/: outlines the process that must be followed to enforce substantive law. It will allow the steps for having a right/duty legally enforced
Q: What is the difference between substantive law and procedural law?
A: Substantive law defines rights and duties, while procedural law outlines the process for enforcing those rights and duties.
Q: How does criminal law differ from civil law?
A: Criminal law deals with offenses/phạm tội/ against society and involves prosecution by the state, while civil law deals with disputes/tranh chấp/ between individuals or organizations and aims for compensation.
Q: What does public law govern?
A: Public law governs the relationship between individuals and the government, including constitutional law, administrative law, and criminal law.
Q: What is private law concerned with?
A: Private law governs relationships between private individuals and entities, such as in contract law, tort law, property law, and family law.
Q: Define national law.
A: National law belongs to the laws applicable within a particular country, covering both public and private laws specific to that nation.
Q: What is international public law?
: International public law governs relationships between countries and includes treaties, conventions, agreements, and laws of international organizations.
Substantive law defines the rights and duties of individuals and collective bodies, while procedural law outlines the process for enforcing those rights and duties.
Criminal law deals with behavior that is considered harmful to society, and the state prosecutes the offender.
Civil law involves disputes between individuals or organizations and typically seeks compensation rather than punishment.
Public law governs the relationship between individuals and the government, including areas like constitutional law and administrative law.
Private law governs relationships between private individuals and entities, such as in contract law and tort law.
Legal tradition refers to the deeply rooted, historically conditioned attitudes about the nature of law, the role of law in society and the polity, and the organization and operation of a __________ system.
Answer: legal
The five main legal traditions are: Common Law, Civil Law, Customary Law, Religious Law, and mixed Law.
The common law legal tradition originated in England after the Norman Conquest in 1066.
The common law system is characterized by case law developed by judges through decisions of courts and similar tribunals.
The civil law legal tradition derives from Roman law, particularly the Corpus Juris Civilis.
Civil law systems are based on written codes or statutes and comprehensive collections of laws.
Customary law is found in indigenous communities and is based on customs and traditions.
Religious law is based on religious scriptures and doctrines. Examples include Islamic law (Sharia), Canon law (Catholic Church), and Halakha (Jewish law).
Mixed law systems combine elements of various legal traditions and are often found in countries with a history of colonization.
The principal sources of law are the foundational elements:
Constitution: outlines the structure of government, the distribution of powers, and the rights of citizens.
Legislation (Statutes): enacted by a legislative body, such as a parliament /congress.
Judicial Decisions (Case Law): established through court decisions and the interpretation of statutes.
Administrative Regulations: Rules/regulations created by government agencies based on statutes.
Customary Law: Traditions and customs that have gained legal recognition over time.
Roman law, as codified in the Corpus Juris Civilis by Emperor Justinian, has influenced the development of many legal systems.:
Codification: The systematic collection and organization of laws.
Legal Principles: Foundational principles such as equality before the law and the importance of written legal codes.
Legal Scholarship: The role of legal scholars in interpreting and developing the law.
The Principal Sources of Law in the Common Law Tradition:
The Use of Precedents
In the common law tradition, judicial decisions play a crucial role through the doctrine of precedent (stare decisis)/học thuyết về tiền lệ/, which means that decisions in higher courts bind/ràng buộc/ lower courts in future cases with similar facts. This ensures consistency and predictability in the law./tính nhất quán và khả năng dự đoán/
The Principal Sources of Law in the Common Law Tradition :
Equity is a branch of law in the common law tradition that developed to address the rigidity and potential injustice of the common law:
Flexibility: Equity provides remedies/biện pháp khắc phục/ that are more flexible than those available at common law.
Fairness: It focuses on achieving fairness and justice in individual cases.
Specific Remedies: Includes remedies such as injunctions/lệnh cấm/, specific performance, and equitable estoppel/biện pháp ngăn chặn công bằng/, which are not available in common law.
In the common law system, decisions made by higher courts bind lower courts in future cases with similar facts.
Equity developed to address the rigidity and potential injustice of the common law.
Equity focuses on achieving fairness and justice in individual cases.
Remedies available in equity include injunctions, specific performance, and equitable estoppel. /lệnh cấm, hiệu suất cụ thể và sự phản đối công bằng./