Key points of Kennan’s (US diplomat) telegram to the Soviets:
Russians were determined to destroy the American away of life and would do everything to opposeAmerica
this was the greatestthreat faced by US
Soviets must be stopped
Soviets could be beatenwithoutgoing to wareducating the publicagaintcommunism and by making people wealthy, happy and free (led to the Americanpolicy in 1947)
Churchill’s speech: (’Iron Curtain’ speech)
5 March 1946
firstleader that openlyadmitted the poorrelationship between Eastern and WesternEurope
felt that the USSR was planning to attack and conquerWesternEurope
1945 - coalitiongovernment took power but Stalin arrestested non-Communist leaders and non-Communists forced into exile
Poland became a testingground for Stalin’smethodology
Peasant Party (Stanislaw Mikolajczyk) weakened by Communistsstrengthening links with Polistsocialists
January 1947 - socialists and communists merged into one group
Communists took a strongstand against Nazis in WWII
November 1944 - Enver Hoxha est. communist government
1945 - became aligned with Yugoslavia
1947 - est. closelinks to the USSR
1961 - became aligned with China
manipulatedelection and forcedremoval of opponents
Agrarian Party (Nikola Petkov) was strongest political opponent; eventually forcibly absorbed
October 1946 - won over 20% of popular vote but Petkovtrumped up charges and executed
April 1947 - all other politicalpartiesbanned
1945 - allies agreed that Russiantroops should remain
Stalinallowedelections → non-communistswonbigmajority with some communistselected
communists were led by pro-Russian Rakosi
Rakosi demanded groupsopposing him should be banned or (hinted) the Russians would takeover the country
AVO (secret police unit) had opponentsarrested
1947 - Rakosi had completecontrol over Hungary
1945 - left-wing coalitionelected
Communists gradually took control and were popular as they offered an alternative to the pre-warregime
relativelyeasy to est.communism; minimalopposition and was easilydealtwith
controlled by Germany since 1939
Czech communists popular with rural peasant as they had given them land post-WWII
Klemet Gottwald (CzechCommunist Party Leader) became PM and showed willingness to accept Western economic aid in 1947
PresidentBenes agreed to support a communist-dominatedgovernment
June 1948 - Benesresigned → pro-Moscow Communists in completecontrol