perceptual constancies

Cards (5)

  • Perceptual Constancies
    -       this phenomenon allows us to perceive an object as unchanging while the stimuli we receive from it change
    -       we identify things regardless of viewing angle, distances, and illumination
  • Size Consistency

    -       the tendency to perceive the same object as being the same size, even though the size of its image on the retina varies as a function of its distance
    -       perceive them as to be the same size from great distances, even though the sensory input stimulates many fewer neurons on the retina
  • Shape Constancy
    -       allows us to perceive familiar objects as having a constant form even when our retinal image of them change
  • Color Constancy
    -       perceive objects as retaining their color even though lightning conditions may alter their appearances
  • Lightness Constancy
    -       brightness constancy
    -       perceive a object as having constant lightness even while its illumination varies