effect of ADH on kidney

Cards (15)

  • Effect of ADH on kidneys (low blood water potential)
    • Water is reabsorbed by osmosis
    • Reabsorption occurs in collecting ducts
    • ADH increases permeability of collecting duct cells
    • ADH increases number of aquaporins
  • Effect of ADH on water reabsorption
    1. Collecting duct contains vesicles with aquaporins
    2. Activates aquaporins
    3. Vesicles fuse with luminal membranes
    4. Increases membrane permeability to water
  • As filtrate travels along the collecting duct
    Water moves from collecting duct to tissue fluid and blood plasma
  • As the filtrate in the collecting duct loses water it becomes more concentrated
  • A small volume of concentrated urine is produced, flows from the kidneys through the ureters and into the bladder
  • If water potential is too high
    The opposite happens
  • Osmoreceptors
    Cells in the hypothalamus that detect water potential
  • If osmoreceptors are not stimulated, no nerve impulses are sent to the posterior pituitary gland
  • No ADH is produced
  • Aquaporins
    Water permeable channels in collecting duct cells
  • Aquaporins are moved out of the luminal membranes of collecting duct cells
  • Collecting duct is no longer permeable
  • Filtrate flows along but loses no water and is very dilute
  • A large volume of dilute urine is produced
  • diagram of Wp