It is an enduring expression of a significant human experience in words well-chosen and arranged.
A faithful reproduction of man’s manifold experience blended into a harmonious expression.
It is man’s love, grief, thought, dream and aspiration coached in a beautiful language.
Literature is news that stays news.
Ezra Pound
A performance in words.
Robert Frost
So important that one cannot bear to let it pass into oblivion.
Murasaki Shikibu
The idea that something about the book touches the human spirit, evokes human emotion, or makes a personal connection through human relationships.
Literature endures across time and draws out the time factor: Timeliness and Timelessness
Literature has an aesthetic appeal and thus possesses a sense of beauty.
Unravels man’s emotional power to define symbolism, nuances, implied meanings, images and messages, giving and evoking visions above and beyond the plane of ordinary life and experience.
It stimulates critical thinking that enriches mental processes of abstract and reasoning, making man realize the fundamental of truths of life and its nature.
Intellectual Value
Literature elevates the spirit and the soul and thus has the power to motivate and to inspire
Spiritual Value
Presents peculiar ways on how man sees life as evidence by the formation of his ideas, form, structures, and expressions which are marked by their memorable substance.
Fiction, Non-Fiction, Creative Non-Fiction
Lyric and Narrative
May be described as rhythmic imaginative language expressing invention, thought, imagination, taste, passion, and insight of the human soul.
The spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings.
William Wordsworth
Is so-called "ordinary writing" — made up of sentences and paragraphs, without any metrical structure
is written by authors who see their universe with a poet’s eye.
Vera Brittain
may or may not use rhyme.
It expresses a strong emotion or a lofty thought compressed and intense utterance.
The main purpose is to provide pleasure and delight.
It appeals to the emotion and imagination.
does not make use of rhyme at all.
It is generally concerned with the presentation of an idea, concept or point of view in a more ordinary and leisurely manner.
The purpose is to furnish information, instruction, or enlightenment.
It appeals to the intellect.
is a mode of fictional representation through dialogue and performance.
It is one of the literary genres, which is an imitation of some action.
It isalso a type of a play written for theater, television, radio, and film.
A composition in verse or prose presenting a story in pantomime or dialogue.
Characteristics of Literatue
It is generallywritten
It is also considered to be superior and of lastingartisticmerit
It may be based on reality or imagination
Its words are artfullyarranged to stimulatefeelings and impartunderstanding
It is a source of enjoyment, reflection, and knowledge
Aims of Literature
It entertains and gives pleasure
It firesimagination and arousesnobleemotion
It enrichestheman by enabling him to reflect on the life and filling him with newideas.
It giveshim the ability to copewithlife because of his understanding of humannature