Functionalist sociologists believe that the nuclear family is best suited to meet the needs of individuals, society, and the economy.
In the past, extended families were common as they provided support for elderly members who could not work or care for themselves.
Nuclear family
Two parents that have biological children that are living in one household
Reconstituted family
Two partners that are living in one household and are sharing parental duties for one or more children but only one parent is biological
Murdock 4 functions of the family
Educational, sexual, reproductive and economic
M/ educational
Socialisation of the young and teaching them the norms and values of a society
M/ sexual
Stable satisfaction of the sex drive that are within monogamous relationships - to prevent jealousy
M/ economic
Meeting the members economic needs e.g producing food and shelter
m/ reproductive
Biological reproduction of the next generation - society can not continue without this
cirque of murdock - feminists
Argue that the traditional family structure serves an idealogical function, a disadvantage to women. (having more of a set role that women have to perform)
Critique of Murdock - research and culture
Anthropological research had shown that there are some cultures that appear to not have ‘families‘ e.g. nayar tribes
Parsons 2 functions of the family
Primary socialisation
stabilisation of adult personality
Parsons - primary socialisation
Like murdock, parsons had agreed that families are teaching the adequate norms and values.
if socialisation has been carried out efficiently girls adopt ‘expressive role’ and boys are adopting ‘instrumental roles‘.
Parsons - stabilisation of adult personalities
Argued that being in a family meant that it had prevented adults to act in dysfunctional ways of behaviour and are instead encouraged to conform to the social norms
parsons (1951)
Argued that in a modern western societies some functions can be performed by other institutions such as schools.
Expressive role
Female provides personality stability, emotional support and child rearing.
Functionalist understanding
The mass function in the family
Tao is for discipline and provide economic support for the family
Warm bath theory
Family can be seen as a comfort and a stable full back for the stresses of work (normally males) and the women are meant to use their emotional support to comfort and soak up the stresses
Critique of parsons - Peter laslett (1972)
Found that the most common family in the pre- industrial is not the extended family but the NF
Critique of parsons - micheal Anderson (1971)
had looked at households in preston in the midst of rapid industrialisation and urbanisation and he had found an Increase in households that are made up of extended families.
Eva- ignores the role of conflict (-)
Family is not always safe and warm e.g. domestic abuse and oppression of women and fran ansley example of “women Are takers of shit”
Eva - ignores family diversity(-)
Assumes that all families are better off in a nuclear family setting but modern days any family structure can be fulfilling
Eva- determinstic (-)
Assumes that members that are in a society are automatically taking on the responsibility of the norms and values
Eva- out of date (-)
Women are now going out to work and the biological roles that are set by parsons no longer apply as clearly