
Cards (36)

  • Process by knowing particular information various source by applying various methods
  • Careful examination of a particular fast by looking into the evidence needed to clarify concepts
  • 2 approaches
    1. Qualitative
    2. Quantitative
  • Skills needed in research writing
    1. Reading
    2. Observation
    3. Communication
    4. Listening
    5. Watching
    6. Choosing
    7. Questioning
    8. Summarization
    9. Organizational
    10. Writing
  • What - pertains to your research itself. Questionsthat are needed to be addressed.
  • Why - refers to the purpose of doing the research
  • Where - location of the research and where it will take place.
  • When - time of the conduct of the study
  • Experience - pertains to your previous involvements.
  • Authority - ask experts in the specialized field some questions to be answered in your research.
  • Deductive Reasoning - General to Specific
  • Inductive Reasoning - Specific to General
  • Scientific Approach - Inductive and Deductive combined to come up with a logical conclusion
  • Research can be categorized in 5 ways:
    1. Importance
    2. Method
    3. Process
    4. Purpose
    5. Locale
  • Basic research (knowledge specific) - learning a certain phenomena; merely advance the body of knowledg with no direction.
  • Applied Research (Problem-specific) - involves systematic gathering of data, and applying it into various fields.
  • Action Research - similar to applied research, a solution must be found in an instant.
  • Analytical Research - makes use of evidences from various sources.
  • Argumentative Research - makes use of evidence based on a stance or a point of view.
  • Laboratory Research - Artificial and controlled environments.
  • Exploratory Research - includes series of experimentations for testing.
  • Library Research - Resources found in the different content of a library
  • Field Research - conducting a research in a natural environment without modifying anything.
  • Empirical - based on clear observations
  • Logical - follows a procedure/data
  • Cyclical - continues to seek answers to certain problems
  • Analytical - analytical procedures is important
  • Replicability - design and procedures are replicated to enable the researcher arrive at valid and conclusive results.
  • Critical - careful and precise judgments
  • As a researcher, you must have intellectual curiosity, prudence, healthy criticism, and intellectual honesty
  • IMRaD stands for Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion.
  • Key features of IMRaD
    1. Thesis can be condensed through this method
    2. Language should be plain, short, and concise
    3. Personal views and creative language are prohibited
  • Introduction - Summarizes the study
  • Method - what particular design is employed to obtain the data that will lead to the attainment of research objectives. It also provides an explanation of the research design and intervention.
  • Results - presenting the findings of the study, whether in tabular or graphical form. Also considered as the essence of the paper.
  • Discussion - analysis and interpretation of the results ane determines the strong points and weak points of the research. It also explains the implications of the paper and provides conclusions and recommendations.