Psychodynamic approach

    Cards (15)

    • Psychodynamic theory
      Suggests that gender development is influenced by unconscious processes and early childhood experiences
    • Gender development process
      1. Identification with same-sex parents or caregivers
      2. Oedipus complex for boys
      3. Electra complex for girls
    • Oedipus complex
      Unconscious desires for the opposite-sex parent in boys
    • Electra complex
      Unconscious desires for the opposite-sex parent in girls
    • Children develop a sense of gender identity by identifying with the same-sex parent
    • The process occurs during the phallic stage of psychosexual development
    • Between the ages of 3 and 6
      Phallic stage age range
    • Gender roles

      Learned through reinforcement and punishment
    • Social learning theory
      Children learn appropriate behaviour for their gender through observation and imitation of same-sex adults
    • Children are rewarded for conforming to gender norms and punished for deviating from them
    • Critics argue that psychodynamic theory places too much emphasis on early childhood experiences
    • Critics argue that psychodynamic theory ignores the role of social and cultural factors in gender development
    • Critics argue that psychodynamic theory is based on outdated gender stereotypes
    • Critics argue that psychodynamic theory does not account for the diversity of gender identities and expressions
    • It is important to consider multiple perspectives and factors when analysing gender identity and expression
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