
Cards (36)

  • Operant Conditioning
    A theory of learning where behavior is influenced by its consequences
  • Reinforcement
    Any event that strengthens or increases the behavior it follows
  • Punishment
    The presentation of an adverse event or outcome that causes a decrease in the behavior it follows
  • Reinforcement types
    • Positive reinforcement
    • Negative reinforcement
  • Punishment types
    • Positive punishment
    • Negative punishment
  • Positive reinforcement favorable events or outcomes. a response strengthens behavior by adding of praise or a direct reward.
  • Negative reinforcement involve removal of unfavorable events after a display of behavior. strengthened by removal of something considered unpleasant.
  • Positive punishment sometimes referred to as punishment by application, present unfavorable event or outcome in order to weakens the response it follows
  • Negative punishment also known as punishmenyt by removal, occurs when a favorable event or outcome is removed after a behavior occurs. ex. grounded
  • Observational Learning
    The process where a person's behavior changes as a result of being exposed to the behavior of another person
  • Types of modelling
    • Live modelling
    • Symbolic modelling
  • Modelling effect
    An observer attends to and imitates a new model
  • Disinhibitory effect
    Modelling can release a whole class of behavior that is usually inhibited
  • Eliciting effect
    The observer can match the model's behavior with responses already in their repertoire
  • Anxiety
    A response to external and internal stimuli that can have behavioral, emotional, cognitive, and physical symptoms
  • Fear
    A more intense emotion experienced in response to a threatening situation
  • Types of anxiety
    • Free-floating anxiety
    • Signal anxiety
  • Free-floating anxiety
    A diffuse, chronic sense of uneasiness and apprehension not directed toward any specific situation or object. feel worried, nervous, and fearful for NO CLEAR REASON
  • Signal anxiety
    Anxiety that arises in response to internal conflict or an emerging impulse
  • Anxiety Disorder
    A group of conditions that share a key feature of excessive anxiety with ensuing behavioral, emotional, cognitive and physiologic responses
  • Types of Anxiety Disorder
    • Separation Anxiety Disorder
    • Generalized Anxiety Disorder
    • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
  • Separation Anxiety Disorder (SAD)4weeks
    Severe distress about leaving home, being alone, or being separated from a parent
  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)6months
    Characterized by persistent, high levels of anxiety and excessive and difficult-to-control worry over life circumstances
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

    A condition characterized by intrusive, repetitive anxiety-producing thoughts or a strong need to perform acts or dwell to reduce anxiety
  • Obsessions
    Intrusive, repetitive thoughts or images that produce anxiety
  • Compulsions
    Repetitive actions performed to reduce anxiety associated with obsessions
  • Themes associated with obsessions
    • Contamination
    • Errors or uncertainty
    • Unwanted impulses
    • Orderliness
  • Associated Disorders with OCD
    • Trichotillomania
    • Excoriation (skin-picking) disorder
  • operant reinforcement learning paradigm
    burrhus frederic skinner
  • social learning theory/imitation

    albert bandura
  • observational learning
    a persons behavior changes as a result of being exposed to the behavior of another person, the model. specific components of model behavior are MODELLING CUES.
  • live modelling

    observing models in the flesh(actually present) ex. parents
  • symbolic modelling

    involves being exposed to models indirectly like watching movies, books, oral description.
  • anxiety
    anticipation of future threats
  • anxiety
    produce tension, worry, and physiological reactivity. anxiety may be adaptive, producing bodily reactions that prepare us for fight or flight
  • fear
    the emotional response to real or perceived imminent/immediate threat