mod 4

Cards (19)

  • ecosystems
    all living (biotic) and non-living (abiotic) things in a specific area, and how they interact with each other
  • biotic factors
    living things in an ecosystem, like animals and plants
    eg. predation, competition
  • abiotic factors
    non-living things in an ecosystem
    eg. light, temperature
  • habitat
    the place where an organism lives
    one ecosystem can have many different habitats
  • community
    all the different populations of species living together in the same area at the same time
  • ecological niche
    the role an organism plays in its environment, including how it gets energy, interacts with other species, and interacts with its environment
  • population size
    the number of individuals of a species in a habitat
  • carrying capacity
    the largest population size that a habitat can support over time
  • competition
    when organisms fight for the same resources
    can happen within the same species (intraspecific) or between different species (interspecific)
  • predation
    the relationship where a predator hunts and eats its prey
  • extinction
    when a species no longer exists
  • representative sampling
    a sample from a larger group that accurately represents the characteristics of a larger population
  • quadrants
    a square area used to sample plants or animals in a larger area
  • abundance
    species are considered abundant when it has a high population relative to the size of the area it inhabits
  • random
    made, done or happening without method or conscious decision
  • transects
    a line along which data is collected to study the distribution of organisms
  • invasive
    a species that spread quickly and harms the environment it's in
  • climate change
    long term changes in weather patterns, mainly due to human activities
  • migration
    when animals or people move from one place to another