1980 - death of Tito leaves a vacuum of power - he had a totalitarian hold on Yugoslavia
Tito’sfailure to develop the economy with foreigncapital → economic decline
Albanianpopulationmoreresentful of the perceivedprivilegedposition of Serbs and Montenegrins in Kosovo
Kosovo was subordinate to Serbrian Belgrade rule - Albanian protests supressed
Causes of Balkans war: (2/2)
appointment of Milosevic as CommunistPartychief and then SerbianPresident
Milosevic used Serbiannationalism to winsupport
Nationalistmovements were growingthroughoutYugoslaviastimulated by collapse of communism in Eastern Europe
pluralismspreading with multi-partelection (1990) - nationalistpoliticians did well
Serbian question:
25% of Serbians lived outside Serbia - within Yugoslavia
Milosevic wanted remodelled federation fo Yugoslavia will all Serbians united in a single state
Serbs would have the most power as they were the largest ethnic group
War in Slovenia:
25June1991 - Slovenia and Croatia both declareindependence despite no USrecognition and EU being against it
Yugoslavian Army (JNA) and Slovenian Territorial Defence Force in combat
7 July 1991 - peace negotiated with the Brioni Agreement with JNAtroopswithdrawn
War in Croatia:
December 1990 - Serb Croats recognised as national minority → systematic discrimination, contributing further to Milosevic’s campaign of Serb nationalism
March 1991 - Croatian Serb Paramilitaries launched offensive on Croats
lasted six months with 10k+ casualities
Serbassault on Dubrovnik (city) made internationalheadlines
1992 - UN sent 14k peace keeping troops following ceasefire negotiation
Causes of the war in Bosnia:
January 1992 - recognition of Croatian independence by European Community forced Bosnia to choose between remaining in Yugoslavia or not
if Bosnia declared independence → 1.3 million Serbsremoved from Serbia (against SerbianQuestion)
February 1992 - referendum held as Bosnia-Herzegovina’s President thought western powers would guaranteesovereignty → Serbiaattacked
BosnianSerbs and BosnianCroats fought the Bosnians (ethnic cleansing)
Bosnian Croats wanted to joinCroatia and the BosnianSerbs wanted the country to remain in Yugoslavia
War in Bosnia - Phase One: (April 1992 - April 1993)
January 1992 - Vance-Owen plan launched to find a political solution for Bosnia
Bosnia would be divided into 10 cantons, all being ethnically mixed with a central government with Sarajevo (capital)
international community against this due to concerns that it would trigger claims for sovereignty by the Albanians in Kosovo (country)
plan came close but unsuccessful
War in Bosnia - Phase Two: (April 1993 - February 1994)
debate on whether NATO should use air strikes (recommended by Clinton)
early 1994 - NATO put power at disposal of UN
mid-1993 sanction from Security Council had imposed on Serbia and Montenegro were having a bigimpact on the economy
War in Bosnia - Phase Three: (April1993 - January 1995)
NATO issued ultimatum to Serbs to remove heavyweaponry from exclusionzone around Sarajevo or they would use airstrikes
ContactGroup (mediation group) established, consisting of diplomats from US, Russia, France, UK and Germany
1994 - NATO used airstrikes against Serbtargets in Bosnia and Croatia
War in Bosnia - Phase Four: (January - November1995)
Bosnian Serbsrefused to returnstolenUNweapons → NATOdestroyedammunitiondump near Pate
Serbs took hostaged400UNpersonnel, using them as a humanshield → more British, French, UStroops being deployed
Dayton Peace Deal (November1995) - USpressure led to twoself-governingentities in Bosnia - Bosnian Serb Republic and Muslim (Bosniak) Croat Federation
NATO led peace keeping force to implement the deal
Kosovo Intervention: (1999)
1998 - after 9 years of the abolition of Kosovo’sautonomy, the Kosovo Liberation Armyrebelled against the Serbianrule
internationalpressure on Milosevic to endescalatingviolence
NATO sent air strikes — firstattack on sovereignEuropeancountry
caused hugecasualties and accidentallybombed and Chineseembassy
succeeded in forcingMilosevic to withdraw troops
Milosevic in Hague (city in Netherlands) for war crimes
The UN and international law: (Yugoslavia)
International Court of Justice for settling international disputes
created special tribunals to prosecute perpetrators of the genocides in Yugoslavia and Rwanda
May 1993 - International Criminal Tribunal established to collect evidence on Yugoslavia
November 1995 - two Bosnian Serb leaders, Karadzic and Mladic indicted on charges of genocide
Yugoslavia timeline: (1991-92)
June 1991 - Slovenia and Croatia (Yugoslav republics) declares independence
September 1991 - Yugoslav Army attacks Croat areas and UN places an arms embargo on Yugoslavia
February 1992 - UN sends peacekeeping mission to Yugoslavia
5 April 1992 - Bosnia declares independence and the siege of Sarajevocommences (lasts 4 years)
July/August 1992 - Bosnian Serbs gain control of 70% of Bosnia → refugee crisis