A signaling molecule (chemical) produced by an endocrine gland and transported by the blood to a target cell/organ.
Hormones are released by
Endocrine glands
What is the difference between an endocrine and exocrine gland?
Endocrine: secretes hormones directly into the blood stream (via extracellular fluid)
Exocrine: secretes substances (oils, saliva, mucous) into a duct (will eventually leave the body) or to external environment.
Hormones act on ‘target‘ cells or organs
What does “‘target’ cells or organs” mean?
Cells which bears receptors for a particular type of hormone, drug or other signalling molecule.
reproductive hormones are those that…
Regulate reproductive system and reproductive cycles.
Reproductive hormones produced by BOTH men and women
Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and Luteinising hormone (LH)
Reproductive hormone produced by men ONLY
Reproductive hormones produced by women ONLY
oestrogen,progesterone, prolactin, oxytocin and human chorionic gonadotropin (HcG)
Effects of Follicle Stimulating hormone (FSH)
Female: Develop & maturation of follicle —> produces oestrogen.
Male: Develop & maturation of spermatogonia —> spermatogenesis
Effects of luteinising hormone (LH)
Female: Maturation of the follicle and initiates ovulation.
Male: stimulates leydig cells to produce and release testosterone.
Effects of testosterone on men
Spermatogenesis and male secondary sex characteristic.
Effects of oestrogen on women
Development of endometrial lining
Effects of progesterone on women
Maintains endometrial lining in event of pregnancy.
Effects of prolactin on women
Production of breastmilk
Effects of oxytocin on women
Contraction of mammary glands
Effects of human chorionic gonadotropin (HcG) on women
Prevents breakdown of corpus luteum.
The production and maturation of male gametes;sperm.
Sperm is produced in..
Seminiferous tubules
The hormone responsible for follicle growth..
Folliclestimulatinghormone (FSH)
Hormone responsible for ovulation…
Luteinising hormone (LH)
What is a sexually transmitted infection
A disease caused by infection with certain bacteria, viruses or other microorganisms.
contraception is…
Measures that prevent a woman from having a child.
Three types of contraception…
Natural contraceptives, mechanical contraceptives and chemical contraceptives.
Natural contraceptives..
Do not involve Intervention / devices.
Mechanical contraceptives..
Devices that provide a physical barrier between the sperm and the egg.
Chemical contraceptives.…
Provide a chemical barrier to sperm by trapping and damaging sperm.
hormone secreted by the corpus luteum
The hormonal trigger for menstruation
Oestrogen and progesterone decline.
Purpose of progesterone
Promotes full development of the uterine lining, maintains embryo and inhibits development of more follicles.
Name the process by which mature ova are produced
meiosis (oogenesis)
Pregnancy is only possible when maintaining the....
Maintaining the endometrium is controlled by hormones, namely....
During the first three months of pregnancy....
Human chronic gonadotropin is produced to stimulate the corpus luteum in order to produce progesterone which helps prepare the endometrium.
From 3 months of pregnancy.....
The placenta is mature enough to produce progesterone therefore the corpusluteum breaks down.
The placenta
Role: Carries materials to (nutrients/oxygen) and from (carbon dioxide and water) the foetus.
disc shaped
highly vascular - lots of exchange
placental blood vessels belong to the foetus and contians foetal blood only, MATERNAL AND FOETAL BLOOD NEVER MIX; separated by foetal blood vessel membranes.
2 umbilical arteries to remove wastes and. 1 umbilical vein to supply oxygen and nutrients
The amnion
shock absorption
space to move
temperature regulations
Structure: sac that produces and secretes amniotic fluid
reproductive hormones
the hypothalamus sends signal to pituitary gland which then produces luiteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone(FSH) and releases them into the bloodstream.