aerobic respiration is a chemical reaction that releases energy that an organism can use
respiration is an exothermic reaction
aerobic respiration occurs in the mitochondria
the equation for aerobic respiration is
glucose + oxygen--> carbon dioxide + water + energy (ATP)
aerobic occurs with oxygen and releases more energy but slowly while anaerobic occurs without oxygen and releases less energy but quickly
anaerobic occurs in humans in the muscles during a large amount of physical work
anaerobic equation in plants:
glucose--> ethanol + carbon dioxide + energy (ATP)
anaerobic respiration allows the plant to continue producing energy even when theirs a lack of oxygen (which happens in water logged soil)
anaerobic respiration happens in the cytoplasm
muscle cells cant continuously carry out aerobic respiration because when you exercise vigorously your hear may not be able to pump enough oxygenated blood to your respiring cells quickly enough to carry out aerobic respiration
generalised anaerobic respiration equation
glucose--> lactic acid + energy
lactic acid causes muscle fatigue and soreness in the muscles
fermentation is an anaerobic process that allows cells to generate energy in the absence of oxygen
oxygen dept is a temporary oxygen shortage in the body tissues arising from exercise