Descriptive statistics

    Cards (13)

    • What are descriptive statistics?

      express numbers in a way that shows the overall pattern
    • range
      spread of data
      arrange data in order and subtract lowest from highest score
    • strengths of range
      Easy to calculate
    • weaknesses of range
      can be distorted by extreme scores
    • mean
      mathematical average
      add up all the numbers and divide by the number of scores
    • strengths of mean
      uses all the data, so must sensitive measure
    • weaknesses of mean
      can be distorted by extreme values
    • median
      middle value
      data put in order from lowest to highest
    • strengths of median
      not effected by extreme scores
    • weaknesses of median
      less sensitive than the mean to variation in values
    • mode
      most common score(s)
    • strengths of mode
      -Very easy to calculate
      -Unaffected by extreme values
    • weaknesses of mode
      can be unrepresentative
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