Term 3
3) Presentations and data responses
3) The impact of SIX visual aids
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caleb coughlan
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The impact of using a data/ projector/ PowerPoint presentation
Visual aids like sound could easily be included in the PowerPoint presentation.
The interest of the stakeholders/ audience may be attracted to the use of various multimedia in the slides.
The presentation may be enhanced by the use of visuals/ graphics that a PowerPoint presentation provides.
The impact of using a data/ projector/ PowerPoint presentation
The presenter may not know how to operate the PowerPoint presentation.
The stakeholders/ audience may be distracted by the presenter simply repeating what is displayed on the slides.
The use of a PowerPoint presentation is not recommended if the stakeholders/ audience has visual or sound impediments.
The impact of using an overhead projector/ transparencies
Transparencies allow the presenter to project graphics in various colours.
May be used to guide the presenter when he/ she summarises the presentation.
The transparencies may be prepared in advance using a special transparency pen/ the printer of a computer.
The impact of using an overhead projector/ transparencies
Partially lit rooms make it difficult for the stakeholders/ audience to record information for later use.
Transparencies cannot be used in combination with audio/ video clips.
The availability of a reliable PowerPoint presentation that is eye-catching may cause transparencies to become redundant.
The impact of using hand-outs/ flyers/ brochures
The information could be verified by comparing it with the PowerPoint presentation.
Important information about presentation could be provided to stakeholders/ audience after the presentation.
Any new information could effortlessly be included in subsequent copies of the hand-outs.
The impact of using hand-outs/ flyers/ brochures
The cost of printing is high, and the hard copies may easily be misplaced.
The author has no control over the illegal distribution of the support material.
Issuing handouts at the start of the presentation may divert the audience's attention from your presentation.
The impact of using flip charts
Brainstorming ideas generated from the stakeholders/ audience could be recorded on a flipchart.
May be used effectively if there is a limited number of stakeholders/ audience members present and the presenter wants to emphasise a concept.
The impact of using flip charts
Insufficient time during the presentation may prevent the presenter from using the flipchart effectively.
The writing of the presenter may not be legible, which may negatively affect the standards the presenter strives to maintain.
The impact of using interactive whiteboards/ smartboards
Effective to record responses and new proposals from the stakeholders/ audience.
Sound could effortlessly be used in conjunction with the interactive whiteboard.
Interactive whiteboards have the functionality of saving additional information that the presenter noted thereon during his presentation.
The impact of using interactive whiteboards/ smartboards
The implementation of load shedding could disrupt the presentation, as it requires a stable supply of electricity.
A presenter not skilled in the use of the interactive whiteboard may not be able to access all the functionalities it offers.
The impact of using posters/ signs/ banners/ portable advertising stands/ flags
Supports the main theme of the presentation if it is visually appealing.
A valuable visual aids that may be used to promote the vision of an organisation.
May contain large pictures to highlight important features of a product.
The impact of using posters/ signs/ banners/ portable advertising stands/ flags
Not suitable for small venues where the poster could be overbearing.
The visual aids is one-dimensional because it cannot be used with sound/ video.
Posters displayed outside could be damaged by weather elements or other elements.