Cards (583)

  • What is the role of business in society?
    To increase individual wealth and contribute to economic growth.
  • How does business impact quality of life?
    Businesses improve quality of life through employment and income.
  • What are the classifications of business based on size?
    • Small: Less than 20 employees, independently owned.
    • Medium: 20-199 employees, owned/operated by a few people.
    • Large: 200+ employees, owned by thousands of public shareholders.
    • SMEs: Fewer than 200 employees, annual turnover less than $10 million.
  • What are the geographical classifications of business?
    • Local: Operates within one community.
    • National: Operates in one country with multiple locations.
    • Global: Operates in many countries (transnational corporations).
  • What are the industry classifications of business?
    • Primary: Collection of natural/raw resources (e.g., farming).
    • Secondary: Producing finished/semi-finished products (e.g., manufacturing).
    • Tertiary: Providing services (e.g., banking).
    • Quaternary: Processing information/knowledge (e.g., telecommunications).
    • Quinary: Domestic services (e.g., hospitality).
  • What are the legal structures of business?
    • Incorporated: Separate legal entity from owners.
    • Unincorporated: No separate legal entity from owners.
  • What is a sole trader?

    A business owned and operated by one person.
  • What is the liability of a sole trader?
    Unlimited liability, meaning the owner is responsible for all financial/legal difficulties.
  • What are the advantages of a sole trader?
    Complete control, low entry cost, owner keeps all profit.
  • What are the disadvantages of a sole trader?
    Unlimited liability, difficulty in raising finance, burden of management.
  • What is a partnership?
    A business owned and operated by between 2 and 20 people.
  • What are the advantages of a partnership?
    Low start-up costs, shared workload, pooled funds.
  • What are the disadvantages of a partnership?
    Unlimited liability, possibility of disputes, divided authority.
  • What is a private company?
    A company structure with 2-50 shareholders that is not listed on the stock exchange.
  • What are the advantages of a private company?
    Limited liability, easier to attract public finance, experienced management.
  • What are the disadvantages of a private company?
    Double taxation, must publish yearly annual report, public disclosure.
  • What is a public company?
    A company with at least one shareholder, listed on the Australian Stock Exchange.
  • What are the main sources of finance for businesses?
    • Debt finance: Borrowed from banks/investors.
    • Equity finance: Internal funds from owners.
  • How do interest rates affect business finance?
    An increase in interest rates leads to lower dependence on debt finance.
  • What are the external influences on business?
    • Geographic: Climate, natural resources, location.
    • Demographic: Age distribution, population size, income.
    • Social: Societal attitudes, environmental awareness, workplace diversity.
    • Legal: Compliance with laws and regulations.
    • Political: Government policies affecting business.
    • Institutional: Impact of government levels and regulatory bodies.
    • Technological: Use of tools and systems to improve operations.
  • What is the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth)?

    A law that governs business conduct and competition in Australia.
  • What is the impact of globalization on business?
    Globalization allows business activity overseas.
  • What are the competitive situations in the market?
    • Monopoly: Complete concentration by one business.
    • Oligopoly: Small number of large businesses dominate the market.
  • What is a monopoly?

    A market situation where one business has complete concentration.
  • What is an oligopoly?

    A market dominated by a small number of large businesses.
  • How does competition affect businesses?
    Increased competition can lead to innovation and better services.
  • How do internal influences affect business operations?
    Internal influences include management decisions, company culture, and resources.
  • What are the factors contributing to business decline?
    Factors include poor management, lack of market demand, and financial mismanagement.
  • What is the significance of a business plan?
    A business plan outlines the strategy and direction for a business's future.
  • What is the role of stakeholders in a business?
    Stakeholders influence business decisions and outcomes.
  • How can businesses respond to challenges at each stage of the business life cycle?
    By adapting strategies to meet changing market conditions and consumer needs.
  • What is voluntary cessation in business?
    When a business owner decides to close the business willingly.
  • What is involuntary cessation in business?

    When a business is forced to close due to legal or financial issues.
  • What is liquidation?
    The process of closing a business and selling its assets to pay creditors.
  • What are the stages of the business life cycle?
    The stages include startup, growth, maturity, and decline.
  • How does effective management contribute to business success?
    Effective management leads to better decision-making and resource allocation.
  • What is the importance of monitoring and evaluation in business?
    Monitoring and evaluation help assess performance and guide improvements.
  • What is the role of technology in business?
    Technology improves productivity and communication within businesses.
  • How can businesses sustain competitive advantage?
    By continuously innovating and adapting to market changes.
  • What are the critical issues in business success and failure?
    Issues include financial management, market demand, and effective leadership.