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Cards (17)

  • Characteristics of OCD:
    Emotional - anxiety/distress, guilt/disgust, depression
    Behavioural - compulsions (rituals), avoidance
    Cognitive - obsessive thoughts, selective attention
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) - a mental health condition where a person has obsessive thoughts and compulsive activity
  • Obsession - unwanted and unpleasant thought (cognition), image or urge that repeatedly enters a person's mind causing feelings of anxiety
  • Compulsion - repetitive behaviour or mental act someone carries out to temporarily relieve the unpleasant feeling brought by the obsessive thought
  • DSM-V Categories of OCD:
    • OCD
    • Hoarding Disorder
    • Trichotillomania
    • Excoriation Disorder
  • Gene - a part of the chromosome of an organism that carries information in the form of DNA
  • Concordance rate - a measure of genetic similarity
  • Dopamine - One of the key neurotransmitters in the brain, with effects on motivation and drive
  • Neurotransmitter - Chemical substances that play an important part in the workings of the nervous system by transmitting impulses across a synapse
  • Hoarding disorder - a subtype of OCD characterised by ongoing intrusive/compulsive thoughts around acquiring possessions
  • Trichotillomania - mental health disorder where the individual compulsively pulls out their hair
  • Excoriation disorder - body-focused repetitive behaviour
  • Biological Approach to Treating OCD:
    • Drug therapy to correct the imbalance of neurochemicals to treat symptoms
    • SSRI's (3-4 months of daily use)
    • SSRI's alternatives
  • aetiological heterogeneity - different combinations of genes cause different types of OCD in other people.
  • Neural explanation of OCD:
    • the role of neurochemicals eg. serotonin and dopamine – levels associated with abnormal transmission of mood obsessive thoughts
    • structural deficits – abnormal functioning in the brain which processes unpleasant emotions causing an inability to filter small worries so worry circuit is overactive
    • damage to neural mechanisms due to breakdown of immune functioning, e.g. Lyme’s disease