
Subdecks (4)

Cards (79)

  • Rates in the UK (2009): Most common disorders
    Depression: 2.6%
    OCD: 1.3%
    Phobia: 2.6%
  • Outline and evaluate one or more neural explanations of obsessive-compulsive disorder (8)
    • role of dopamine/serotonin
    • damage to neural mechanisms due to breakdown of immune functioning
    • structural deficits
    • success of drug treatments
    • Validity - doesn't work for everyone
    • lewis - genetic proof
  • Ellis proposed an ABC model of depression. Outline and evaluate the ABC model of depression. Refer (8)
    • A, B, C
    • examples of irrational belief, musterbation
    • practical applications - REBT and ABCDE
    • only offers partial explanations - not every activating event causes depression + biological explanations are ignored
  • Discuss the genetic explanation f box or obsessive-compulsive disorder (8)
    • OCD is inherited
    • Taylor (2013)
    • s
  • Discuss the genetic explanation f box or obsessive-compulsive disorder (8)
    • OCD is inherited
    • Taylor (2013)
    • aetiological heterogeneity
    • Nestadt (2010)
    • Trauma cases instead of genetic
  • Diathesis Stress Model - an interactionist approach to mental illnesses stating that genetic vulnerability and environmental stress combine to produce mental illness