PremenstrualDysphoric Disorder - Disruption to mood prior to/during menstruation
Biological Approach to Treating Depression:
Drug Therapy
SelectiveSerotoninReuptakeInhibitor (SSRI's)
SelectiveSerotoninReuptakeInhibitors (SSRIs) - increase the level of serotonin available in the synapse by preventing it from being reabsorbed into the sending cell. This increases the level of serotonin in the synapse and results in more serotonin being received by the receiving cell
Alternatives to SSRI's:
Anti-anxietydrugs (GABA)
Anti-anxietyDrugs (GABA) - tells neurons in the brain to ‘slowdown’ and ‘stop firing’; around 40% of the neurons in the brain respond reducing anxiety caused by obsessive thoughts
SerotoninNorepinephrineReuptakeInhibitors (SNRI's) - also work similarly to SSRI's, however, they also block the reuptake of norepinephrine aswell as serotonin
Patient as Scientist:
Patients are made to reality test their irrational belief, and are set homework to counterprove their irrational thought
Outline Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT):
general rationale – to challenge negativetriad
identification of negative thoughts – ‘thought catching’
hypothesis testing - patient as ‘scientist’
data gathering through ‘homework’
reinforcement of positive thoughts; cognitive restructuring