Practical applications in CBT - used as a better alternative to drug treatments
Doesn't explain all aspects of depression e.g biological factors - people with particular genetic codes are 10x more likely to be depressed
Ellis' ABC Model:
Practical applications in CBT - used alongside Beck's to better CBT treatments over drug treatments
Only offers a partial explanation - some depression does occur from an activating event (reactive) however, not every case does eg. biological
Cognitive Approach to Treating Depression:
Ellis claims a 90% success rate of REBT (DEF) taking avg. 27 sessions
Contributions towards the economy - treating depression has led people to have fewer days off of work
CBT is more suitable for some clients - eg. stubborn patients may resist advice/change, hence limiting CBT's effect
Drug Therapy:
effective at tackling OCD symptoms - Soomro (2009) concluded that all 17 studies showed significantly better results vs placebo conditions reducing symptoms by 70%
Cost effect/non-disruptive - they're a cheaper alternative which can benefit the economy as it means less waiting times/tax increases
Side effects - patients can experience symptoms such as headaches, loss of appetite etc, questioning the ethical considerations