The influence of prejudice and discrimination within society on a person’s and/or group’s mental wellbeing and ways to reduce it.
•In social psychology, a stereotype is a fixed, over-generalized belief about a particular group or class of people.
•We infer a set of characteristics about a person based on our stereotype of someone who looks like them.
Stereotypes: generalised views about the personal attributes or characteristics of a groupof people.
Stereotyping places people in categories based on their shared characteristics and their membership of a particular group (e.g. gender, age, ethnicity and occupation).
What is the distinction between 'in-group' and 'out-group' in the context of stereotyping?
'In-group' consists of people who share common traits with you, while 'out-group' includes those who do not share these traits or share perceived negative traits.
•Stereotypes allow us to respond quickly to new situations. This reduces our cognitive load by assuming that a person will act a certain way.
Disadvantage –
•We ignore individuality and therefore may presume something that is not true.
•Stereotypes lead to social categorisation (us vs them).
•Some stereotypes are positive:
•Overweight people are seen as ‘jolly’
Newsreaders are ‘respectable’ and ‘impartial'
•However, most are negative, typically racial stereotyping.
•Racial stereotypes always favour the holder’s race as the best and others as worse.
•This can be seen as natural, as a way to
identify with your own ethnic group and
promote their success.
•Prejudice means pre-judgement.
•It is an unjustifiable, and usually negative, attitude towards a group and its members
•- a negative preconceived notion that we hold towards individuals due to their membership in a particular group.
•Most common forms are based on visible differences between people, differences over which we have no control. Examples?
•Racism is a form of prejudice based on assumed racial differences where people in one racial group believe that their values, social norms and behaviour are superior to those in another group.