Cards (9)

    • What are the three measures of central tendancy?
      • Mean
      • Median
      • Mode
    • What are the two measures of dispersion?
      • Standard deviation
      • Range
    • What is the mean in Measures of Central Tendancy (MoCT)? give a positive and a negative of it.
      The mean is the only MoCT that includes all values making it the most sensitive. It's representative and easily distorted becase it includes all of the values.
    • What is the median in Measures of Central Tendancy(MoCT)? Give a positive and a negative of it.
      The median is the middle value in the data set. It's not effected by extreme scores, however, is unrepresentative as it doesnt not include all values.
    • What is the mode in Measures of Central Tendancy(MoCT)? Give a positive and a negative of it. [3]
      The mode is the most frequently occuring value in a set of data. When the data is nominal the mode is the only option. The mode is unrepresentative as it does not incude all of the values
    • What is standard deviation (SD) in Measures of Dispersion (MoD)? Give a pro of it. [3]
      Standard deviation is the spread of data around the mean, the larger the SD the greater the spread of the scores. It's a more precise MoD as it considers all values in the final conclusion.
    • What is the range in Measures of Dispersion (MoD)? Give a pro and a con of it. [3]
      The range calculates the spread of scores. It's easy to calculate but unrepresentative as it only considers the two most extreme values.
    • What is a Measure of Dispersion (MoD)?
      A MoD describes how widely the scores vary and are spread from one another. E.g. SD and range
    • Draw a descriptive statistics table.