
Cards (134)

  • What is process modeling used for?
    • To analyze processes
    • To document processes
    • To create processes
    • To make processes readily understandable using graphical notations
  • What does BPMN stand for?
    Business Process Model and Notation
  • What is the current version of BPMN?
    BPMN 2.0
  • How does BPMN compare to flow charts or activity diagrams?
    BPMN has a richer notation compared to flow charts or activity diagrams.
  • Who is BPMN designed to be understandable by?
    All business stakeholders.
  • What are the main elements of BPMN?
    • Flow objects
    • Connecting objects
    • Events
    • Activities
    • Gateways
    • Sequence flows
    • Message flows
    • Associations
    • Swim lanes
    • Artifacts
    • Pools
    • Lanes
    • Data objects
    • Groups
    • Annotations
  • What does a start event indicate in BPMN?
    A start event indicates the trigger of a process.
  • What does an end event indicate in BPMN?

    An end event indicates the result of a process.
  • What is a task in BPMN?
    A task is an activity that is not broken down to more detail.
  • What does a sequence flow indicate in BPMN?
    A sequence flow indicates in which order the activities are performed.
  • Provide an example of a process modeled in BPMN.
    • Booking a Flight
    • Fitness workout process:
    1. Change clothes
    2. Load exercise schedule
    3. Do exercises
    4. Check out
    5. Take a shower and change back
  • What does a pool represent in BPMN?
    A pool represents the central entity or an external participant.
  • What does a lane represent in BPMN?
    A lane represents a sub-partition of a pool or another lane; it is either a department or a role.
  • Provide an example of a process involving a lane in BPMN.
    • Producing a Car
    • Meeting room reservation process:
    1. Employee makes reservation
    2. Catering brings beverages
    3. Catering cleans up after the meeting
  • What is a sub-process in BPMN?
    A sub-process is an activity that can be described in more detail by a separate process diagram.
  • What does a message flow indicate in BPMN?
    A message flow indicates the flow of the process across pools.
  • What do message events indicate in BPMN?
    A start message event indicates a message being received, and an end message event indicates a message being sent.
  • Provide an example of a process involving message events in BPMN.
    • Paying an invoice process:
    1. Financial department notified by operations
    2. Invoice sent to customer
    3. Customer pays invoice
    4. Financial institution transfers money
    5. Institution provides transaction information to the company
  • What is a gateway in BPMN?
    A gateway has multiple outgoing sequence flows of which only one is taken.
  • Provide an example of a process involving a gateway in BPMN.
    • Library process
    • Meeting room reservation process:
    1. Employee makes reservation
    2. Indicates if a beamer is needed
    3. Picks up and returns the beamer if needed
  • What does a fork in BPMN indicate?
    A fork has multiple outgoing sequence flows of which all are taken in parallel.
  • What does a join in BPMN do?
    A join can be used to close a fork.
  • What is an inclusive gateway in BPMN?
    An inclusive gateway has multiple outgoing sequence flows of which one or more are taken.
  • Provide an example of a process involving an inclusive gateway in BPMN.
    • Meeting room reservation process:
    1. Employee makes reservation
    2. Indicates if beverages and/or a beamer are needed
    3. Catering brings beverages if needed
    4. Material department installs and picks up the beamer if needed
  • What do time events indicate in BPMN?
    A start time event indicates the begin time for a process to start, and an intermediate time event indicates the time that needs to elapse to continue the process.
  • Provide an example of a process involving time events in BPMN.
    • Library reservation process
    • Recommendation emails process:
    1. System sends recommendation emails every Sunday evening
    2. Emails list books based on previous purchases
  • What does a link event allow in BPMN?
    A link event allows jumping from one part of the diagram to another.
  • What does a data object indicate in BPMN?
    A data object indicates data that is manipulated or accessed by an activity.
  • What does a group do in BPMN?
    A group groups different elements of the diagram together, without affecting the flow of the process.
  • What does an annotation provide in BPMN?
    An annotation gives additional information about the diagram or a specific element.
  • Provide an example of a process involving an annotation in BPMN.
    • Online order process
    • Elements include:
    1. Flow objects
    2. Tasks
    3. Sub-processes
  • What are the main functionalities of Use Cases?
    • Use Case diagrams denote interaction between a system and its users
    • They show hierarchical relations between functionalities of the system
  • What does UML stand for?
    Unified Modeling Language
  • What is the purpose of UML?
    It is a modeling language for object-oriented software used for the creation and documentation of software.
  • What is the current version of UML?
    UML 2.4.1
  • What are the main elements of Use Cases?
    • Actor
    • Generalization
    • Use case
    • Include
    • Extend
  • What does an actor denote in Use Cases?
    An actor denotes a role a user plays in the system, usually a person or another system.
  • What does generalization denote in Use Cases?
    A generalization denotes an “is a” relationship between two elements.
  • Provide an example of generalization in Use Cases.
    • Surfer and Logged in user
    • Superclass and Subclass relationship
  • What does a use case denote?
    A use case denotes a functionality of the system.