Vestment Controversy: Some Puritans thought priests shouldn't wear different clothes, others thought they should dress plain and simple; Elizabeth urged clergy to wear special vestments, by 1565 it was clear this wasn't happening
Vestment Controversy: Matthew Parker (Archbishop of Canterbury) put on an exhibition to show priests the vestments they should wear but out of 110, 37 refused to attend and got sacked
Crucifix Controversy: Puritans saw these as idols (an image of God that is banned in the Bible); Elizabeth liked them and demanded every church to display a crucifix but packed down after Puritan bishops threatened to resign, Elizabeth couldn’t enforce her power (make every church have them) but did keep a crucifix in the Royal Chapel
Prayer Meetings (Prophesying): Puritans' were having unapproved prayer meetings (identified by 1570) but Archbishop (2) Grindal refused to close meetings, leading to house arrest, Elizabeth suggested he resign
Prayer Meetings (Prophesying): New archbishop (3 - Whitgift) sacks 200 puritan priests for having these meetings; Grindal apologised and was reinstated