Cards (12)

  • Organic chemistry - Study of hydrocarbons (only carbon and hydrogen atoms) and their various derivatives.
  • Inorganic chemistry - Study of all substances other than hydrocarbons and their derivatives.
  • Bonding Characteristics of Carbon Atom
    • C-atom always makes total of 4 Bonds
    • The sharing of four valance electrons requires the formation of four covalent bonds which are represented by four lines.
  • Functional Groups
    • are groups of atoms in organic molecules that are responsible for the characteristics, chemical reactions of those molecules.
    • Simple molecules that contain the same functional group in their structure can be expected to react in similar ways.
    • More complicated chemical molecules may contain more than one functional group within their structure.
  • Hydrocarbons
  • Halogen-Containing Compounds
  • Oxygen-Containing Compounds
  • Carboxylic Acid Derivatives
  • Nitrogen - Containing Compounds
  • guess it
    A) alkane
    B) alkene
    C) alkyne
    D) benzene ring
    E) amine
    F) alcohol
    G) ether
    H) alkyl halide
    I) thiol
    J) amide
    K) carboxylic acid
    L) ester
    M) ketone
    N) aldehyde
  • guess it
    A) amine
    B) alcohol
    C) alkyl halide
    D) ether
    E) thiol
  • guess it
    A) ketone
    B) amide
    C) ester
    D) aldehyde
    E) carboxylic acid