Biochemistry PRELIMS

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  • Proteins
    polymers of amino acids
  • Carbohydrates
    Broken down to glucose to provide energy.
  • Lipids
    Energy-rich organic compounds, such as fats, oils, and waxes, that are made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.
  • nucleic acids

    DNA and RNA
  • Biochemistry
    Study of chemical substances in living organisms.
  • Biochemical Substance

    Chemical substance found within a living organism.
  • Bioinorganic Substances

    Includes water and inorganic salts.
  • Bioorganic Substances

    Includes carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids.
  • Carbohydrates
    Broken down to glucose for energy; C,H,O 1:2:1.
  • Lipids
    Energy-rich organic compounds.
  • Proteins
    Polymers made of amino acids.
  • Nucleic Acids

    Includes DNA and RNA.
  • Biochemical Pathways

    Chemical interactions sustaining life in cells.
  • Principal classes of biomolecules are: Carbohydrates Proteins Lipids NucleicAcids
  • DNA makes RNA makes protein
  • animalcules - microscopic organisms
  • cell - need cholesterol to keep living (alive)
  • biogenesis - life came from life
  • bio - life
  • genesis - creation
  • cell - smallest unit that are capable of life
  • prokaryotes and eukaryotes - two major classes of cell
  • hobert hooke - first person to use the term cell
    • he observe dead cell
  • matthias schleiden - plants
    theodor schwann - animal
    - concluded that plant and animal tissue were composed of cell
  • rudolf virchow - theory of " biogenesis ", cell only arise from pre-existing cell
  • eukaryotes - true nucleus
  • prokaryotes - false nucleus
  • cell theory - fundamental idea in biology
    • principle of complementary (dictated by structure, function)
  • cell - building block of all living organisms , they arise from other cell
  • binary fission - sexual reproduction
    - cell making a copy of itself and splitting into 2 identical cells
    - water about 70 - 75 % of weight of the cell
    - organic compounds accounts for 25 - 30 %
    - nucleic acids, proteins, polysaccharides (carbohydrates), lipids
    - inorganic compounds account for the rest of the cell weight
  • Eukaryotic cells - have a membrane-bound nucleus and a number of other membrane-bound subcellular (internal) organelles, each of which has a specific function.
  • plasma membrane - Acts as a physical barrier to enclose cell contents; regulates material movement into and out of the cell; functions in cell communication
    • Structure: Phospholipid bilayer containing cholesterol and proteins and some carbohydrates; forms a selectively permeable boundary of the cell.
  • nucleus - It contains the DNA that serves as the genetic material for directing protein synthesis.

    Structure: It is enclosed within a double membrane called nuclear envelope; contains nucleolus
    Nucleolus: It consists of RNA and proteins which functions in ribosomal unit assembly. Nucleoplasm: It surrounds the chromatin and the nucleoli.
  • cytoplasm - It is responsible for various cellular processes.
    Structure: This can be seen between the plasma membrane and the nucleus where the other cellular elements are embedded.
    Organelles are membrane-bound structures which carry out specific metabolic activities of the cell.
    Cytosol provides support for organelles and serves as the viscous fluid medium.
  • mitochondria - It is responsible for the production of energy in the form of ATP.
    Structure: Double-membrane-bound organelles containing a circular strand of DNA
    Outer membrane is highly permeable to small molecules, due to the presence of a pore-forming protein called porin.
    Intermembrane contains many proteins that participate in oxidative phosphorylation.
    Inner membrane has multiple folds projecting inwards, called cristae.
  • LYSOSOMES - Digest microbes or materials by the cell
    Structure: Spherical shaped membrane bound organelles formed from the golgi apparatus; contain digestive enzymes
    The fluid inside lysosomes is much more acidic, at about pH 4.8, than the normal pH of about 7.0 – 7.3
  • ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM - Modifies, transports, and stores proteins produces by attached ribosomes

    Rough endoplasmic reticulum
    -Structure: Extensive interconnected membrane network that varies in shape; ribosomes attached on the cytoplasmic surfaces
    -Ribosomes are involved in the protein synthesis.

    Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
    -Structure: Extensive interconnected membrane network lacking ribosomes
  • GOLGI APPARATUS - Modifies, packages, and sorts materials, that arrive from the endoplasmic reticulum in transport vesicles
    -Structure: Series of several elongated, flattened saclike membranous structures.
    -Vesicles transport cellular material. Mature vesicles are called secretory vesicles.