Review of Naming of Organic Compounds

Cards (24)

  • Organic chemistry - Study of hydrocarbons (only carbon and hydrogen atoms) and their various derivatives.
  • Inorganic chemistry - Study of all substances other than hydrocarbons and their derivatives.
  • Bonding Characteristics of Carbon Atom
    • C-atom always makes total of 4 Bonds
    • The sharing of four valance electrons requires the formation of four covalent bonds which are represented by four lines.
  • NaCI - sodium chloride
  • C1H4 - methane
  • each bond - 2 electron
  • valance electron (4) - outside of carbon
  • 2 types of hydrocarbons - saturated and unsaturated
  • hydrocarbons - composed of only carbon and hydrogen
  • saturated hydrocarbons
    • alkanes
  • unsaturated hydrocarbons
    • alkenes
    • alkynes
    • aromatics
  • hydrocarbons derivatives - compounds containing carbon, hydrogen, and one or more other elements
  • saturated hydrocarbon - in which all carbon-to-carbon bonds are single bonds
  • unsaturatd hydrocarbons - hydrocarbons containing one or more carbon-to-carbon multiple bonds
  • types of chemical formula
    1. Molecular formula
    2. structural formula
    3. condensed/collapsed formula
    4. line structure formula
  • types of chemical formula
    A) molecular
  • types of chemical formula
    A) structural
  • types of chemical formula
    A) condensed/collapsed
  • types of chemical formula
    A) line structure
  • guess it
    A) molecular formula
    B) structural formula
    C) condenses formula
  • guess the prefix
    A) meth
    B) eth
    C) prop
    D) but
    E) pent
    F) hex
    G) hept
    H) oct
    I) non
    J) dec
    K) international union of pure and applied chemistry
    L) ane
  • alkane - simple hydrocarbon which contains single bonds
  • alkyne - contains TRIPLE BOND
  • Alkene - contains double bond