Crown lands - Revenue from the lands owned by the Queen increased during her reign £86,000 to £111,000; Elizabeth could have increased the rent on her land
Taxes - She could have raised taxes, she did not want to pay for a professional tax collecting service to make things more efficient
Custom duties (import tax) - earned her £91,000 annually (recorded in the book of rates), to combat smuggling (so they didn’t have to pay), she introduced laws regulating loading and landing of goods
Be more efficient - The Exchequer had two sections, around 80 people worked there; the Exchequer of Receipt (dealt with the taking in and paying out of revenue) and the upper Exchequer (auditing arm)
Solve the problem of monopolies - from 1601 she faced a lot of opposition for them; she declared that monopolies for everyday necessities such as salt, vinegar and starch were annulled
Reducing costs - She didn’t have any major building projects, spent her summers with courtiers and ministers, members of the court were expected to give her gifts also she avoided war