What name can be given to cells resulting from asexual reproduction?
Fertalised eggs have the correct number of chromosomes because gametes only have half the number of chromosomes of a normal cell, so when two gametes fuse together, the fertalised egg has the full number of chromosomes
Asexual reproduction only involves one parent, whereas sexual involves two
There is no fusion in gametes in asexual reproduction
There is no mixing of chromosomes in asexual reproduction
Asexual reproduction doesnt involve meiosis
What happens do DNA at the very start of meiosis?
It is duplicated
How many cells are there during the process of meiosis?
Four gametes are produced, each with a single set of chromosomes. Each of the gametes are genetically different from the others.
What happens to the cells in the embryo as they develop?
They differentiate into different types of specialised cell
Some organisms reproduce both sexually and asexually. For example, strawberry plants reproduce asexually using runners and reproduce sexually by producing seeds.
What type of reproduction is shown when the bulbs divide to produce new plants?
Malaria parasites reproduce asexually in the human host, but sexually in the mosquito
Asexual reproduction uses less energy because organisms dont have to find a mate