One of the reasons that phobias may persist is that phobics avoid the phobic stimulus so there is no opportunity for them to learn their feared stimulus isn't so fearful.
Wolpe (1958) developed a technique where phobics were introduced to the feared stimulus gradually
The basis of this therapy, the patient is taught a new association that counters 😺 the original association.
The patient is taught through classical conditioning to associate the phobic stimulus with a new 🆕 response (e.g. relaxation instead of fear 😨).
This way, their anxiety is reduced - they are desensitised. The relaxation inhibits the response of anxiety
The therapist teaches the patient relaxation techniques. For example, the patient focuses on their breathing and takes slow 🦥 deep breaths. When we're anxious 😰 we breathe quickly, so slowing down helps us relax 💓.
Being mindful 😉 of "here and now" can help us too, 🙂 as well as focusing on a particular object or visualising a peaceful scene. Progressive muscle 💪 relaxation is also used where one muscle at a time 😜 is relaxed 😌
Desensitisation hierarchy
Systematic desensitisation (SD) works my gradually introducing the person to the feared situation one step 🪜 at a time 😜, so it isn't as overwhelming. At each stage, the patient practices relaxation so the situation becomes more familiar 😎, less overwhelming and their anxiety diminishes
Flooding may be used instead of a gradual process in systematic desensitisation. This is when the patient just has one long session 😲 where the patient experiences the phobia at its worst whilst at the same time practicing relaxation. The session continues until the patient is fully relaxed 😎
E.g. someone with a phobia of clowns 🤡 is placed in a room full of clowns 😲. The therapist encourages them to use relaxation techniques and their anxiety disappears
Flooding in practice
This procedure can be conducted in Vivo (actual exposure), or with virtual reality. As with systematic desensitisation, the first 🥇 step is to learn relaxation techniques. Then these techniques are applied in one session in the presence of the most feared situation. This is usually lasts 2-3 hours. A person's fear 🙀 response (and the release of adrenaline due to this) has a time limit. As adrenaline levels naturally decrease, a new 🆕 stimulus response can be learned between the feared stimulus and relaxation