Cards (52)

  • What is the most prominent feature of a cell?
    The nucleus
  • What is the structure that bounds the nucleus?
    A double membrane consisting of an inner and outer membrane
  • What is contained within the nucleoplasm?

    A type of cytoplasm specific to the nucleus
  • What are chromatin and their role during cell division?
    Coils of DNA that form chromosomes as they condense before cell division
  • How many nucleoli can be found per nucleus?
    • 1 to 4 nucleoli per nucleus
  • What is the function of the nucleolus?

    It allows for the transport of mRNA and ribosomes out of the nucleus
  • What are the subunits of ribosomes formed from?
    Proteins joined to rRNA
  • What is the primary function of ribosomes?
    Protein synthesis
  • How are ribosomes found in the cell?

    They can be free in the cytoplasm or bound to rough endoplasmic reticulum
  • What is the structure and function of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)?

    • Large double membrane system of fluid-filled flattened sacs (cisternae)
    • Links with the Golgi body and is close to the nucleus
  • What is the main function of rough endoplasmic reticulum (Rough ER)?
    Packaging and storing proteins
  • Why is the rough ER called "rough"?
    Because of the ribosomes attached to it
  • What is the function of smooth endoplasmic reticulum (Smooth ER)?
    Transport and production of lipids, as well as packaging and storing lipids and carbohydrates
  • What are secretory vesicles?

    • Small membrane-bound sacs
    • Store and transport materials within cells
    • Move from the Golgi body to the cell surface membrane
  • What happens when secretory vesicles reach the cell surface membrane?
    The membranes fuse together, and the contents of the vesicle are released
  • What are lysosomes and their function?
    • Membrane-bound vesicles containing strong digestive enzymes
    • Important for phagocytosis
  • What is the structure of mitochondria?
    • Double membrane
    • Inner membrane is folded into structures called cristae
  • What is the main function of mitochondria?
    ATP synthesis through aerobic respiration
  • What is the nuclear pore?

    • Small gaps within the double membrane of the nucleus
    • Allows for the movement of mRNA and nucleotides out of the nucleus
  • What is the function of the nuclear envelope?
    It separates the contents of the nucleus from the cytoplasm
  • What is the main function of the nucleus?
    It contains DNA and codes for protein synthesis, and DNA replication occurs here
  • What is produced during transcription in the nucleus?
    mRNA templates
  • What are the differences between chloroplasts and mitochondria?
    • Chloroplasts contain pigments such as chlorophyll
    • Chloroplasts trap light for photosynthesis
    • Chloroplasts are only found in plants
  • What are centrioles and their role in cell division?
    • Microtubules that form spindles during cell division
    • Not present in basic cell organelles
  • What are plasmodesmata?

    • Microscopic channels that traverse cell walls
    • Allow for transport of substances in plant cells
  • What is the function of vacuoles in plant cells?
    • Contains cell sap and stores solutes such as glucose
    • Swells due to osmosis for turgidity
  • What is the composition of the cell wall in plant cells?
    • High tensile strength of cellulose microfibres
    • Provides strength for cells
  • How do plasmodesmata contribute to plant cell function?
    • Allow for transport of solutes
    • Facilitate cell-to-cell communication
  • What do prokaryotic cells lack?
    A nucleus
  • Why is DNA not wound around histone proteins in prokaryotic cells?
    Because prokaryotic cells lack a nucleus
  • How is DNA found in prokaryotic cells?

    As single loops, floating free in the cytoplasm
  • What type of DNA do all prokaryotic cells have?
    Circular DNA
  • What do prokaryotic cells lack in terms of organelles?
    Membrane-bound organelles
  • Name two examples of membrane-bound organelles that prokaryotic cells lack.
    Golgi apparatus and mitochondria
  • What type of ribosomes do prokaryotic cells have?
    70s ribosomes
  • How do the sizes of ribosomes in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells compare?
    Prokaryotic ribosomes are smaller than eukaryotic ribosomes
  • Where are ribosomes found in prokaryotic cells?

    Free in the cytoplasm
  • What is the function of ribosomes in prokaryotic cells?

    To assemble amino acids into proteins
  • What separates the plasma membrane from the rest of the cell in prokaryotic cells?
    The plasma membrane itself
  • What are prokaryotic cell walls made of?
    Murein, which is a glycoprotein